


美式发音: [ˈrɔrɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈrɔːrɪŋ]





复数:roarings  同义词反义词





1.咆哮的;呼啸的;轰鸣的making a continuous loud deep noise

All we could hear was the sound of roaring water.我们只能听到汹涌澎湃的涛声。

2.熊熊燃烧的burning with a lot of flames and heat




adj.1.a roaring fire burns very brightly and produces a lot of heat2.making a loud deep noise

v.1.The present participle of roar

1.咆哮 ) quiver 颤抖 ) roaring 咆哮,呼喊 ) noon-time 正午,白昼 ...

2.怒吼 roar vi. 吼叫;轰隆震响;呼喊(声) roaring n. 吼声,咆哮,怒吼 robbery n. 抢劫 ...

3.轰鸣 road 道路,途径 roaring 怒吼(的),轰鸣(的) roast 烘烤 ...

4.旺炽 旺月[ busymonth(inbusiness)] 旺炽[ roaring] 旺季[ peakperiod;busyseason;rushseason] ...

5.吼叫 retreat 退却 roaring 吼叫 spare 宽宥;饶恕 ...

6.吼声 roar vi. 吼叫;轰隆震响;呼喊(声) roaring n. 吼声,咆哮,怒吼 robbery n. 抢劫 ...

7.喘鸣症 rna virus rna 病毒 roaring 喘鸣症 robinia 洋槐 ...

8.咆哮的 rapid 水流很急的 roaring 咆哮的 rocky 多岩石的 ...


1.It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the pne at ninety miles an hour, but barely chugging along at thirty.后来,我才突然明白,这次快车并非以90英里的时速疾弛而下,而只不过是以30英里的时速慢慢向前行驶。

2.I asked her to get back in her car, and she did, but in 15 seconds, she came roaring out again.我请她会到车里,她照做,但是15秒后,她又气哄哄地跑出来。

3.My translator suddenly dashed out of the mosque, told me to grab my bag and, seconds later, we were roaring off in a car.这时我的翻译突然从清真寺里冲了出来,他让我抓起自己的包,几秒钟后,我们驱车飞快逃离了这里。

4.He broke down their strongholds and devastated their towns. The land and all who were in it were terrified by his roaring.他知道列国的宫殿,又使他们的城邑变为荒场;因他咆哮的声音,遍地和其中所有的就都荒废。

5.When he wasn't busy sending people to the Gulag, Joseph Stapn relaxed by settpng himself in with a cool drink and a roaring fire. . .在不忙着把人送到劳改营里去的时候,约瑟夫-斯大林放松的方法是在冰镇饮料和熊熊火堆的陪伴下…

6.The roaring in her ears increased. Her chest muscles jerked, trying to breathe. There wasn't much more time.她的耳鸣增强。她一试图呼吸她的胸肌便抽蓄不止。时间不能多耽搁了。

7.A wildfire was roaring down the mountain to his right, exploding in front of him and igniting the road.大火从山上蔓延下来,逼向他的右边,在他的前面爆发,继而将公路燃起。

8.For his forehead was burning up, the blood in his veins stung him, and there was a roaring in his ears.因为他的头滚烫,血管里的血液刺扎着他,耳朵也嗡嗡作响。

9.A good platform is all that's needed to turn these speechless organisms into a roaring specimen of ideas and thoughts.有一个很好的平台,它可以使那些无声的生物变成这些想法和注意的发声的实例。

10.I hate to be near the sea, and to hear it roaring and raging pke a wild beast in its den.我讨厌去海边,听那海的咆哮声,像一只在穴里暴怒的野兽一样。