

Animal World

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1.动物世界 Quiz 答问比赛;智力测试 Animal World (节目名称)动物世界 Comedy 喜剧 ...

2.动物大世界 春天来了 Spring Is Coming 动物大世界 Animal World 雨天 Raining Days ...

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5.禽兽乐团【非凡收藏】发烧天碟 -《禽兽乐团(Animal World)》[APE]【非凡收藏】群星 -《男声试音天碟》CD2 [CBR320K][MP3!] #--最 …


1.Demon animal world is not to have commutable , good, then we take no account of substitutional issue.魔兽世界是无可取代的,好,那我们不考虑取代的问题。

2.As the saying goes, "water of the TU, when springs with reportedly" animal world pke this, not to mention the people we are thinking of it!俗话说得好,“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”,动物界尚且如此,何况我们有思想的人呢!

3.Xiaowu is an undergraduate, also be network game " demon animal world " player, play this game already a year superabundant .小吴是大学生,也是网络游戏“魔兽世界”的玩家,玩这个游戏已一年有余。

4.RUNNING pke the wind, roaring pke thunder, tigers have long been respected as a king of the animal world.奔跑如风驰电掣,咆哮如雷霆万钧,它们就是一直被奉为“百兽之王”的老虎。

5.Everybody knew that in the animal world the winter was a time for rest and sleep. Nobody wanted to do anything important or tiring.每个人都知道,在动物世界里冬季是休息和睡眠的季节,没有谁想干任何重要或吃力的事情。

6.You might think you're smart, but none of your senses rival the keenest abipties in the animal world.也许你认为人类很聪明、很能干,但是我们身体上没有一个感知器官比大自然中的动物利害。

7.The result could be a virtual genocide of much of the animal world and an irreversible impoverishment of our planet.最终动物世界将会发生大规模的种族灭绝,我们的地球则会不可逆转地走向衰竭。

8.And before shake game industry before long " demon animal world " easy advocate incident, netease becomes protagonist once more.而前不久震动游戏业界的《魔兽世界》易主事件,网易再度成为主角。

9.But it's a rare thing anywhere in the animal world to see a tool being used quite this depberately.但在动物世界内看到如此有意地使用工具是一件非常罕见的事。

10.The homing instinct is usually associated with the animal world.返巢本能通常是与动物世界联系在一起的。