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网络释义:阿诺;高级网络选项(Advanced Networking Option);苊酮(Acenaphthenone)



1.阿诺 ankylo == 弯曲 ano == 肛门 aorto == 主动脉 ...

5.尼达尔组织(Abu Nidal Organization)1、尼达尔组织ANO):又名阿拉伯革命旅; 阿拉伯革命委员会; 黑色九月; 法塔赫革命委员会;穆斯林社会主义革命组织 2、Ab…


1.Again, this new development led to ano-hold*barred position, putting everything out in the open, conceapng nothing.同样,这一新的发展趋势导致了一种“不受禁止”的立场,即把一切公开,什么都不隐藏。

2.As aresult, the British launched aNo Plastic Bag operation, use bags made of starch and cotton bags.由此,英国发起了“无塑料袋”行动,改用淀粉制作的包装袋和棉袋。

3.ANo, I just mean it's different. You have to be very careful of traffic in Beijing.不,我就是说在北京开车不一样。在北京的车流中你要非常小心。

4.Astro's mother abandoned him at Ano Nuevo Island off the San Mateo coast in June, prompting biologists to bottle - feed the pup.去年六月,艾斯特罗被母亲遗弃在圣马提欧海岸外的新年岛,生物学家于是利用奶瓶来喂养这个小傢伙。

5.You may have ano the r certificate showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination.你们还要出具另一份证明书,以证明货物没有受放射线污染。

6.He no. sooner recovers his equipbrium than the next porpoise comes along and hits him ano. her crack.海龟刚一恢复平衡,第二只海豚接踵而至又给它一击。

7.The paper introduces common dewatering methods of long-distance gas transmission pipepnes at home ano abroad.介绍了目前国内外天然气管道常用的干燥方法。

8.Specialty construction is a system engineering that influences the survival ano development of higher vocational colleges.专业建设是一项系统工程,其建设的好坏直接影响到高职院校的生存与发展。

9.It appears that pke cervical cancer, ano-rectal cancers have an infectious component and may be sexually transmitted.就像和子宫颈癌一样,直肠癌也是一种性#传播疾病。

10.Ano ther wind zone is the prevaipng westerpes these winds come out of the southwest or the northwest.另外还有盛行西风带,该风带吹西南或西北风。