


美式发音: [ˈkoʊˌbɔlt] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊˌbɔːlt]





1.a chemical element. Cobalt is a hard silver-white metal, often mixed with other metals and used to give a deep blue-green colour to glass.

2.深蓝色;钴蓝a deep blue-green colour


n.1.a blue-green color2.a hard silver-white metal used in alloyscombinations of metals and for making things blue

1.钴应该是元素(cobalt), ...第八族评论| 钴评论| 钴,是一种金属评论| CO 一氧化碳评论| …

2.钴蓝色 clear 透明 cobalt 钴蓝色,深蓝色 cobalt blue 钴蓝色,艳蓝色 ...

3.深蓝色 clear 透明 cobalt 钴蓝色,深蓝色 cobalt blue 钴蓝色,艳蓝色 ...

4.含钴 ... coated stone 镀层宝石,涂层宝石 cobalt 钴,钴类原料 Coberpedy opal 科贝佩迪欧泊 ...

7.钴类颜料 coalesce v. 联合, 合并, 结合 cobalt n. 钴, 钴类颜料, 由钴制的深蓝色 cockatrice n. 鸡头蛇身怪兽 ...


1.This would seem to show that Mr. Cobalt is hardly right in saying that the first word that occurs is always the best.这样说来,考拜特先生所说的最先闪现于脑海的词总是最好的这种说法未必可靠。

2.And yet there was something ethereal about her, an apen ness that showed in her cobalt eyes.但她的气质轻灵飘渺,钴蓝色的眼睛里显现着异星的神采。

3.He spd behind the wheel of his wife Deb's red Chevy Cobalt and started out for the Golden Nozzle Car Wash in Easthampton, Massachusetts.奥利里溜进他妻子的红色雪佛兰钴里,前往马萨诸塞州东汉普顿的金鼻子洗车店。

4.The steel used in the pipes, however, is usually alloyed with cobalt to make it stronger.但用来制造管道的钢中通常掺入了合金成分钴来增强材料的强度。

5.By using easily obtainable cobalt and phosphates, the MIT work could make it a lot more viable to obtain hydrogen directly from solar cells.麻省理工的这项成果使用易得的钴和磷酸盐,从而使从太阳能电池中直接获得氢气方法更加可行。

6.He said it aimed to expand production of copper and cobalt, two industrial metals with rising demand being driven by Chinese consumption.他表示,金川意图扩大铜和钴(两种在中国面临越来越大需求的工业金属)的生产。

7.The Cobalt-Nickel-Galpum alloy is similar in structure to one of the most commonly used SMAs, and reacts in ways similar to that material.钴镍镓合金在结构上和使用SMA材料的某种最常见的合金很相似,其反应方式也与其类似。

8.Objective : To determine an ideal finishing and popshing procedure on the surface of chromium-cobalt castings.目的:确定合理的钴铬合金铸件表面研抛程序。

9.An impure oxide of cobalt, used to produce a blue color in enamel and in the making of smalt.钴蓝色素,花绀青一种混合的氧化钴,用在陶瓷中产生一种蓝色颜料,并可用来制造大青

10.At present, nuclear engineers clean cobalt from the system by trapping it in what are known as ion-exchange resins.现在,核工程师们清除装置中的钴离子要通过一种名为离子交换树脂的物质将钴离子捕获。