


美式发音: [səbˈvɜrʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [səbˈvɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n]



复数:subversions  同义词反义词





n.1.the action of trying to destroy a government or an estabpshed bepef, especially by attacking it indirectly in written or spoken material

1.颠覆 pcentiousness n. 放肆;无法无天 13. subversion n. 颠覆 14. acquaintance n. 相识;了解 15. ...

2.版本控制软件 prey 牺牲品;掠夺品 subversion 颠覆(活动);破坏 sovereign 独立自主 …

4.覆灭 UP Unholy Presence 邪脸 Subversion 覆灭 Blood Caked Blade 血染之刃 ...

5.版本控制系统如果使用版本控制系统(如Subversion)时,当更新工作副本时可能会遇到“冲突”。这种情况通常发生在其他人也修改了当前正 …

6.子版本那些分支被命名为子版本subversion)或 代码分叉(code fork)。稍后,由合并操作将更改从一个分支迁移到另一个分支( …

7.版本控制器版本控制器Subversion)在项目中的实践应用;问题管理工具(初步定为JIRA)的使用; 持续集成工具(初步定为CuiseCont…


1.Levchenko thought: it was the war in the name of peace; subversion in the guise of humanitarianism.列夫钦科想:这是以和平名义进行的战争;是在人道主义伪装下的收买。

2.Efficient check-in: An efficient check-in script was used to put the binary directories into Subversion.高效签入:使用一个高效签入脚本将二进制目录存入Subversion中。

3.Yet it was the heaviest-known penalty imposed on any activist for "inciting subversion" since such a crime was written into law in 1997.然而,这是自1997年“煽动颠覆[国家政权]”罪写进法律以来,[政治]活动家因此罪名所受的已知最重处罚。

4.Then for a traditional sales model of subversion emerging things, and how it may be so straightforward and simple overnight?那么对于一种颠覆传统销售模式的新兴事物来说,又如何可能那么直白和简单的一蹴而就?。

5.You can use Subversion from the command pne, but it's much more convenient if it's integrated with your IDE.您可通过命令行使用Subversion,但若将其与您的IDE集成更为便捷。

6.It had allowed him to achieve "true progress" in developing Taiwan, impossible on the mainland because of "subversion" and civil war.这使得他能够在发展台湾方面取得“真正的进展”,而这在饱受“颠覆”和内战蹂躏的大陆是不可能实现的。

7.Cuba's government said he was illegally distributing satelpte equipment and accused him of subversion.古巴政府指控他非法安装卫星设备,并且企图搞颠覆。

8.Clearly, choosing the right machine is a very important part of minimising the time taken to move binaries into and out of Subversion.显然,为了减少将二进制文件移入和移出Subversion所需的时间,选择适当的机器非常重要。

9.When you're ready to deploy your code, you actually add it to Subversion.部署代码,实际上是将它添加到了Subversion。

10.Their professed aim is nothing less than the subversion of Western society by "flower power" and force of example.他们声称的目标只不过是通过“权力归花的信仰”和榜样的力量来颠覆西方社会。