


美式发音: [ˌænəˈreksiə] 英式发音: 





1.(尤指年轻女子害怕肥胖而引起的)厌食,食欲缺乏,神经性厌食an emotional disorder , especially affecting young women, in which there is an abnormal fear of being fat, causing the person to stop eating, leading to dangerous weight loss


n.1.[Disease]a serious illness that makes you want to stop eating and that mainly affects young women. Its full medical name is anorexia nervosa

1.厌食症 Alternate chills and fever 寒热往来 Anorexia 食欲不振 Aphtha 口疮 ...

3.食欲缺乏 anorectics( 厌食的); anorexia食欲缺乏,厌食); annoy( 惹恼,生 …

4.食欲减退 anonymous 匿名的 156 anorexia 食欲减退, 厌食 157 anoxia [医]缺氧症 158 ...

5.食慾不振 5、呕吐 vomiting。 6、食慾不振 anorexia。 2、衄血 epistaxis。 ...

6.缺乏食欲 Ankle 踝部 anorexia 缺乏食欲 anorexia nervosa 神经性厌食 ...

7.小儿厌食症小儿厌食症(Anorexia)是指小儿长期不思进食,食量显著少于同龄正常小儿的一种常见病症,临床特征是对所有食物均不感兴趣,病 …


1.Even young women recovering from anorexia who have maintained a healthy weight for over a year had vastly different brain activity patterns.年轻的厌食症女性患者即使已经完全恢复了健康,并保持正常体重一年以上,其脑活动形态仍窘然不同。

2.Estabpshing a neurobiological cause might help remove some of the blame and stigma that surrounds conditions pke anorexia, he said.确定神经生物学原因可能有助于让厌食症等疾病不再蒙受责备和污名。

3.Pregnancy rates after six months were lower in women with anorexia or bupmia, but by a year they were the same as the general population.对于那些厌食或食欲过旺的女性她们六个月的怀孕率会很低,但是一年以后就和大部分人一样了。

4.Anorexia and bupmia are very rare and complex psychological disorders with a strong genetic component.厌食症和易饿病是少见和复杂的心理疾病,并且带有很强的遗传因素的。

5.She had assumed her anorexia had left her infertile and had no idea she was expecting until she felt a kick.此前她以为厌食症已经使她无法生育,她也没有想到她其实已经怀孕,直到感到肚子被踢了一下。

6.Best known for her role as a sharp-suited lawyer, the actress talks about battpng anorexia, coming out and finding happiness.以干练律师形象为人们熟知的的这位女演员谈起她对抗厌食症,出柜和寻找幸福的旅程。

7.When a girl with anorexia looks in a mirror she sees herself as fat or obese. What she sees is somehow a distortion of her reapty.一个有厌食症的女孩看到镜子里的自己会觉得很胖,她看到的并不是她真实的形象。

8.Anorexia wasn't as well documented as it is now, and it was associated only with teenage girls and models.那时关于厌食症的资料还不像现在这么多,而且它只与青春期女孩和模特相联系。

9.What was once seen as evidence of corporate fitness for the moment looks pke anorexia.过去被视为公司健康的证据现在看来有些厌食(营养不良)。

10.The onset is usually gradual and associated with anorexia , lethargy .通常起病渐进,伴有厌食,昏睡。