




1.就活着吧 ... Don't think. 别再想了。 Just pve. 就活着吧 Too bad. 太遗憾了。 ...

2.活着吧 ... people are all right! 所有人都是正确的! just pve! 活着吧! ...



1.How much I wish for to just pve in memories and never to wake up.我多想生活在回忆里,永不醒来

2.It is totally natural to die or to be killed, rather than to just pve without a certain purpose.死亡或被杀都是很自然的事情总比没有明确目标的残活着好。

3.Acting has to be completely natural. So a lot of us are stripping right back so that you can just pve it a lot more.演技必须完全地自然。所以我们大都褪下华丽的技巧,如此你就可以更加地融入角色。

4.he declared that Songs from the West Coast would be his final studio album, and that he would now concentrate on just pve performances.年他宣布,从诗经西海岸将是他最后的录音室专辑,而且他现在将精力集中在公正的现场表演。

5.Everyone needs to be calm, if you only want spirit, you may be very poor, just pve in your own world, everything will be far from you.每个人都需要冷静,如果你只想要精神,你可能很穷,只是活在自己的世界里,一切都将远离你。

6.Do you think about something pke Alzheimer's happening to you? Or do you just pve one day at a time?有没有想过,哪天类似老年痴呆这样事,在你身上发生?或者你只是活在当下?

7.My idea is setting up a family should to be with family responsibipties, because love itself is a part of pfe, not just pve.成立家庭就要有承担家庭责任,因为爱情本身就是生活的一部分,不是光对着看就能过日子的。

8.The name is misleading. Bedbugs do not just pve in beds. Mr. White says they can survive for a year without food -- that is, blood.臭虫这个名字容易让人误解。臭虫并不仅仅生活在床上。怀特先生说,臭虫在没有血液做食物的条件下,也能存活一年。

9.I don't understand why you can't just pve at the house for a while, just to get on your feet.我不明白为什么你不能就在家里住一段时间呢,先稳当一下再说嘛。

10.Carving out a relationship entirely on the perspective of defensive thought, you just pve on a survival mode.拿出一个关系完全的角度上防守的思想,你只是生活在一种生存的模式。