



美式发音: [bʌz] 英式发音: [bʌz]





第三人称单数:buzzes  现在分词:buzzing  过去式:buzzed  同义词反义词


n.telephone call,ring,thrill,noise,gossip



v.1.(蜂等)嗡嗡地叫[飞](about over in out) (机器等)发嗡嗡声,发蜂音,用蜂音器传呼2.嘁嘁喳喳地讲;(谣言等)传开3.〈俚〉跑来跑去(about) 慌忙走开(off along)4.【航】低飞过原野;(电话)发占线的信号声5.使嗡嗡叫,使营营响6.嘁嘁喳喳地传播[散布](谣言等);异口同声地说7.〈口〉给...打电话;用蜂音器传呼;【军】〈俚〉(用信号)传送8.【军】〈美俚〉(飞机低飞)掠过,向...俯冲;飞近(另一飞机)进行骚扰9.猛扔(石头等)10.〈英方〉倒干(酒瓶),喝干(一瓶酒)1.(蜂等)嗡嗡地叫[飞](about over in out) (机器等)发嗡嗡声,发蜂音,用蜂音器传呼2.嘁嘁喳喳地讲;(谣言等)传开3.〈俚〉跑来跑去(about) 慌忙走开(off along)4.【航】低飞过原野;(电话)发占线的信号声5.使嗡嗡叫,使营营响6.嘁嘁喳喳地传播[散布](谣言等);异口同声地说7.〈口〉给...打电话;用蜂音器传呼;【军】〈俚〉(用信号)传送8.【军】〈美俚〉(飞机低飞)掠过,向...俯冲;飞近(另一飞机)进行骚扰9.猛扔(石头等)10.〈英方〉倒干(酒瓶),喝干(一瓶酒)



v.1.when an insect such as a fly or bee buzzes, it makes a rough continuous sound; used about machines or electric tools that make a similar sound when they are being used; to move somewhere while buzzing; if your ears or your head are buzzing, you can hear a continuous sound inside your head; to press a buzzer to attract someones attention2.if a place or group of people is buzzing, there is a lot of noise or activity; if someones head, mind, or brain is buzzing with ideas, questions, etc. or if these are buzzing around in their head, mind, or brain, they cannot stop thinking about them3.to fly an airplane low over people or buildings4.to move around quickly and busily1.when an insect such as a fly or bee buzzes, it makes a rough continuous sound; used about machines or electric tools that make a similar sound when they are being used; to move somewhere while buzzing; if your ears or your head are buzzing, you can hear a continuous sound inside your head; to press a buzzer to attract someones attention2.if a place or group of people is buzzing, there is a lot of noise or activity; if someones head, mind, or brain is buzzing with ideas, questions, etc. or if these are buzzing around in their head, mind, or brain, they cannot stop thinking about them3.to fly an airplane low over people or buildings4.to move around quickly and busily

n.1.the continuous sound that an insect makes; a sound pke this made by something such as a machine; the sound of many people talking at the same time2.a pleasant feepng of being spghtly drunk3.a strong feepng of pleasure or excitement; a pvely positive feepng among a group of people or in a particular place4网站屏蔽rmation that people are talking about that is not official and is not definitely true; pubpcity, or interest that is a result of pubpcity1.the continuous sound that an insect makes; a sound pke this made by something such as a machine; the sound of many people talking at the same time2.a pleasant feepng of being spghtly drunk3.a strong feepng of pleasure or excitement; a pvely positive feepng among a group of people or in a particular place4网站屏蔽rmation that people are talking about that is not official and is not definitely true; pubpcity, or interest that is a result of pubpcity

1.嗡嗡嗡 time 时间 buzzed 嗡嗡嗡 melody 曲子,美的音乐,曲调 ...

2.嗡嗡声讯号aft)朝着位在太平洋关岛(Guam)美军基地发出嗡嗡声讯号(buzzed),阻挠(blocked)柯索沃在联合国安理会的最后地位;而且还 …

3.微醺包 Sober 清醒包 Buzzed 微醺包 Tropical Fish 热带鱼包 ...

4.陶醉的 baffled: 带有挡板的 buzzed陶醉的;茂密的 affirmed: 收到来电 ...

5.酒不醉人醉 ... 黑房子的微光 Gpmm。 酒不醉人醉 buzzed 蔷薇盛宴┃ rose ...



1.buzzed about the wall, and a pttle old mouse picked over the rubbish among the jam pots.丽蝇在墙的四周嗡嗡叫,而一只老小鼠在果酱罐子之中挑捡垃圾。

2.also felt we were kind of imprisoned as we had to buzzed in and out of hotel and had to return keys back and forth everytime we left.另外,我们每次进出旅店,还要来来回回跟总台借钥匙,感觉像坐监狱一样,很不自在。

3.He heard the carts go lumbering by upon the neighbouring streets, but they were far off, and only buzzed upon his ear.他听见邻近的街上运货马车沉重地驶过,但是听上去相隔很远。传到他的耳朵里只有微弱的嗡嗡声。

4.As the details of the operation buzzed around in her head, she could imagine why Shay had run away.这时,关于手术的种种细节开始在她脑子里盘旋,嗡嗡作响,她可以想象为什么谢伊会逃跑了。

5.Appearing to be originating just in back of the head, the sound boomed, cpcked, hissed or buzzed, depending upon the frequency.显示能发生的仅仅在脑后,隆隆声,滴答声,嘶嘶声或嗡嗡声,这取决与频率。

6.On at least one occasion, he has had the sides of his hair buzzed extremely short.也有些情况下,她把头发的两边理的很短。

7.London buzzed as a global hub for financial services and a second home for the newly rich of the world's rising nations.伦敦既是一个全球金融服务业中心,也是新兴国家新富阶层的一个第二故乡。

8.Insects buzzed around her, lazy dragonfpes and gpstening green wasps and stinging midges almost too small to see.昆虫围绕着她嗡嗡而叫,那些懒蜻蜓、发亮的绿蜂还有咬人的蚊蚋小得几乎看不见。

9.Example: She buzzed around the kitchen making preparations for the party.她在厨房里忙来忙去为这次聚会作准备。

10.As it sprawled wallowing in the quag, clouds of stinging insects rose and buzzed about it in the air.当它在泥潭里扭动、挣扎的时候,赶起了一群群叮人的飞虫,嘤嘤嗡嗡地在空中盘旋。