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网络释义:小蚂蚁;天线(antenna);白(adenine nucleotide translocator)



ant显示所有例句n.— see alsoanthill

1.蚂蚁a small insect that pves in highly organized groups. There are many types of ant .

an ants' nest蚁窝

an ant colony蚁群

IDMhave ants in your pants(informal)焦躁不安;坐立不安to be very excited or impatient about sth and unable to stay still



n.1.a small insect that pves under the ground in large organized groups called colonies and is noted for its abipty to carry objects heavier than itself.

suff.1.a suffix used to form a noun2.a suffix to form an adjective

1.蚂蚁 horse 马 ant 蚂蚁 fish 鱼 ...

2.小蚂蚁 (-ous 形容词后缀) ② (-ant 形容词后缀) ⑤ (from 表示“从„„”) ② 化为乌有 ...

4.天线(antenna) ALTN 发电机 ANT 天线 ABS 防抱死制动系统 ...

5.名词后缀 (ac- 表示, (-ant 名词后缀,表示人)n.会计员,会计师 (act 做,- ...

6.白(adenine nucleotide translocator)Adenine nucleotide translocator (ANT) and the voltage-dependent anion-selective channel proteins 1, 2 and 3 (VDAC1, VDAC…


1.A long dike will collapse ause of an ant-hole in it; a tall building will be burned down by a spark from a chimney's chink.千丈之堤,以蝼蚁之穴溃;百尺之屋,以突隙之烟焚。

2.Regardless of class or with a different ant species ants, the number of ants within a nest can be very different.无论不同的蚁类或同种的蚁,其一个巢内蚁的数目均可有很大的差别。

3.You could compile these files using Ant, but that would involve setting up a database and then setting up Tapestry to communicate with it.可以用Ant编译这些文件,但是其中涉及一个数据库的设置,然后把Tapestry设置成与这个数据库通信。

4.Drag out a yarn from a yarn ball, put an ant on it. Loosen the ball as it goes till the end of the yarn .把一只蚂蚁放到一个毛线球线头上,边爬边松开毛线,让其从头走到尾。

5.Ant and grasshopper On a cold, frosty day an ant was dragging out some of the corn which he had laid up in the summertime, to dry it .蚂蚁和蚱蜢在寒冷,结霜的气象,一只蚂蚁拖曳出一些夏天储存起来的玉米,想晾干。

6.If I was an ant, I would carry food with other ants. But I will try myself to carry my own thing.假如我是一只小蚂蚁,我会与其他的蚂蚁搬运粮食,但我也会尝试自己运东西。

7.Pick an ant from the ant colony and take him to 100m away, then follow the track of his way home.从蚁群里捉一只蚂蚁放到一百米外的地方,跟踪它回家的线路。

8.One will use ladle to have shoveled three days and three nights only the road shovepng out a bar leading to the external world an ant.蚂蚁一家就用勺子铲了三天三夜才铲出一条通向外界的路。

9.Just as the man was going to kill the bird, the ant bit him on one of his feet.就在人要射死鸟的时候,蚂蚁咬了一口他的脚。

10." said the ant, laughing and shutting up his granary. " Since you could sing all summer, you may dance all winter.蚂蚁笑着关闭了他的谷仓,说:“你可以整个夏天歌唱,那你也可以整个冬天都跳舞。”