


美式发音: [æn'tɑ:rktɪkə] 英式发音: [æn'tɑ:ktɪkə]





un.1.uninhabited continent surrounding the South Pole, consisting of an ice-covered plateau and high mountain peaks.

1.南极洲 Anguilla( 安圭拉) Antarctica( 南极洲) Antigua and Barbuda( 安提瓜和巴布达) ...

2.南极物语 南极 antarctic 南极大陆 antarctica 先行的 antecedent ...

4.南极故事 ... Hong Kong( 香港) Antarctica( 南极州) Albania( 阿尔巴尼亚) ...

6.南极地区 elevation 高度 3. Antarctica 南极地区 drifting 漂移的 ...

7.澳属南极洲 荷属安地列斯群岛( Netherlands Antilles) 澳属南极洲( Antarctica) 阿根廷( Argentina) ...


1."It's such a neat thing, " she said, referring to the past ties between the West Texas desert and Antarctica's glaciers.“就是这样一件简洁的事情,”她说,引证过去西部德州沙漠与南极冰川之间的联系。

2.Expedition scientists have discovered that Antarctica has not always been a frozen continent.远征的科学家们发现,南极洲并不总是一个冰天雪地的大陆。

3.Now that heat is coming to the surface again in one of the worst possible places: Antarctica.现在,那些热量在最不应该出现的地方:南极洲再次涌上海水表面。

4.Compare the above with a modern map of Antarctica to see at a glance just how close they were.把上图与一张现代的南极洲的地图作比较,一瞥之下看起来它们是多么的接近。

5.In Antarctica, the only mammals are those that stay for just a short time -- marine mammals pke whales and seals.在南极,独一的哺乳动物是那些仅仅停留很短的时间-像鲸鱼和海豹这样的海洋哺乳动物。

6.In Chile, Antarctica and Brazil, he is pkely to hear and observe evidence on both sides of that argument.在智利、阿根廷和巴西,潘基文有可能听到和看到两种论点的证据。

7.The isopod pictured above was one of these needles, found by a team surveying waters around Antarctica.图中在南极洲附近海域发现的小家伙就是这样的“一根针”。

8.Other team members have suggested building a robot to run the Iditarod in Alaska or to serve as an ambulance in Antarctica.其他队员曾经建议设计机器人去参加阿拉斯加艾迪塔罗德的狗拉雪橇比赛,或是到南极洲开救护车。

9.The only places lacking indigenous ants are Antarctica and a few remote or inhospitable islands.土著蚂蚁唯一的地方缺乏的是南极洲和一些偏远或荒凉的岛屿。

10.Half Moon Island was the destination, which can be found in an archipelago off the tip of western Antarctica, south of Argentina.在目的地半月岛,可看到位于南极洲西部、阿根廷南部的群岛。