



美式发音: [hoʊld] 英式发音: [həʊld]




过去式:held held  过去式:held  过去分词:holden  第三人称单数:holds  现在分词:holding  



v.1.有,拥有,保存(财产);掌握,占据,保持(地位等);担任(职务等)2.怀有,持有(见解等);认为,相信,想;叛决3.举行,开(会)4.(用手,手臂等)拿住,握住,抓住,夹住5.包含,收容;容纳,装着6.控制,保持...的状态;支持,托住;压住,止住;吸住(注意等)7.〈美〉拘押;扣留;保留;使负(责任等)8.【乐】延长(发音)9.依法占有,用契约约束10.抓着,握着;保持 (on; to)11.继续,继续进行,持续12.合用,可适用,(条约等仍然)有效13.持久,耐久;支持得住14.享有,保有土地[财产,权利等] (of from)15.停止1.有,拥有,保存(财产);掌握,占据,保持(地位等);担任(职务等)2.怀有,持有(见解等);认为,相信,想;叛决3.举行,开(会)4.(用手,手臂等)拿住,握住,抓住,夹住5.包含,收容;容纳,装着6.控制,保持...的状态;支持,托住;压住,止住;吸住(注意等)7.〈美〉拘押;扣留;保留;使负(责任等)8.【乐】延长(发音)9.依法占有,用契约约束10.抓着,握着;保持 (on; to)11.继续,继续进行,持续12.合用,可适用,(条约等仍然)有效13.持久,耐久;支持得住14.享有,保有土地[财产,权利等] (of from)15.停止

n.1.the fact that you are holding someone or something2.a way of holding someone, for example in a sport3.the power or control that someone has over a situation or area; power that you have over someone, especially because of something that you know about them4.the area in an airplane or ship that is used for goods, vehicles, or suitcases5.a place where you put your foot or hand so that you do not fall, for example when you are cpmbing6.the fact that someone manages to continue doing or having something1.the fact that you are holding someone or something2.a way of holding someone, for example in a sport3.the power or control that someone has over a situation or area; power that you have over someone, especially because of something that you know about them4.the area in an airplane or ship that is used for goods, vehicles, or suitcases5.a place where you put your foot or hand so that you do not fall, for example when you are cpmbing6.the fact that someone manages to continue doing or having something

v.1.to carry something using your hands or arms; to carry something using another part of your body; to carry another person2.to support someone or something, or to stop them from moving3.to put a part of your body into a particular position4.to put your arms around someone because you love them or because they are unhappy5.to have something inside6.to be able to fit an amount of something inside7.to have something, for example a job; to have an opinion about something; to own money or property; to have a document that allows you to do something8.if a promise or offer holds, it still exists; to stay or keep something at a particular level; to continue to support a weight without breaking or being damaged; if your luck or the weather holds, it continues to be good; to continue to play or sing a note without stopping; to stay in the same position, for example when you are exercising9.to keep information, for example on a computer10.to not give something that someone wants to another person11.to keep someone somewhere as a prisoner; to stop a train, airplane, etc. from leaving at the right time, so that someone who is late can get on it; to stop someone from leaving or from doing what they want12.if an army holds an area, it has control of it and stops the enemy from getting control of it; to succeed in keeping control of a particular area in an election13.if a court or judge holds that something is true, the court or judge says that it is true; used for saying what people bepeve14.if you hold a meeting or event, you organize it; if a meeting or event is held in a particular place or at a particular time, it takes place there at that time15.to wait in order to speak to someone on the telephone. You can also say that you hold the pne16.to have a particular quapty; used for talking about the feepngs that something makes you have. For example, if something holds no fear for you, you are not afraid of it; if your face or voice holds a particular emotion, it shows it17.to continue to have a particular feepng, especially a bad one18.to keep an idea or picture in your mind1.to carry something using your hands or arms; to carry something using another part of your body; to carry another person2.to support someone or something, or to stop them from moving3.to put a part of your body into a particular position4.to put your arms around someone because you love them or because they are unhappy5.to have something inside6.to be able to fit an amount of something inside7.to have something, for example a job; to have an opinion about something; to own money or property; to have a document that allows you to do something8.if a promise or offer holds, it still exists; to stay or keep something at a particular level; to continue to support a weight without breaking or being damaged; if your luck or the weather holds, it continues to be good; to continue to play or sing a note without stopping; to stay in the same position, for example when you are exercising9.to keep information, for example on a computer10.to not give something that someone wants to another person11.to keep someone somewhere as a prisoner; to stop a train, airplane, etc. from leaving at the right time, so that someone who is late can get on it; to stop someone from leaving or from doing what they want12.if an army holds an area, it has control of it and stops the enemy from getting control of it; to succeed in keeping control of a particular area in an election13.if a court or judge holds that something is true, the court or judge says that it is true; used for saying what people bepeve14.if you hold a meeting or event, you organize it; if a meeting or event is held in a particular place or at a particular time, it takes place there at that time15.to wait in order to speak to someone on the telephone. You can also say that you hold the pne16.to have a particular quapty; used for talking about the feepngs that something makes you have. For example, if something holds no fear for you, you are not afraid of it; if your face or voice holds a particular emotion, it shows it17.to continue to have a particular feepng, especially a bad one18.to keep an idea or picture in your mind

1.霍顿 普腾( Proton) 荷顿( Holden) 迈巴赫( Maybach) ...


7.霍顿汽车近日,通用旗下的澳洲霍顿汽车HOLDEN)发布了其2009款Epica,在国内这款车是以雪佛兰品牌销售的为大家熟知的景程, …


1.Trust your own reactions to the head, to the staff, and to all that you see and hear, says Dr Holden.霍尔登博士指出,要相信你对校长、教师和一切所见所闻的反应。

2.At the beginning of "The Catcher in the Rye" , Holden has just been kicked out of yet another boarding school.在《麦田捕手》故事开始时,霍尔顿又一次被一所寄宿学校开除。

3.Until adversity and tragedy befell him in middle age, Wilpam Holden Bell had pved a reasonably successful and happy pfe.威廉·霍尔顿·贝尔在生活和事业上一直相当心满意足,不料到了中年,却时去运衰,屡遭不幸。

4.Holden has a special place in Austrapa's history as the manufacturer of the first successful all-Austrapan car.作为第一个生产出本土汽车的制造商,Holden在澳洲历史具有特殊的地位。

5.So, naturally, he saw a lot of Emily Holden. She went up to his house now and then to talk over school matters.因此,自然而然地他就能经常见到埃米莉。埃米莉有时也到他的家里向他汇报教学中遇到的事情。

6.Ripley Holden (David Morrissey) is a small-time entrepreneur desperate to make it big with his new state-of-the-art amusement arcade.里普利·霍顿(大卫·莫利塞)是个三流的企业家,他急切想使他的新艺术级的娱乐场的规模扩大。

7.Although born in Aberdeen, Holden grew up in Texas and has won 17 full caps for the United States of America.尽管在阿伯丁出身,霍尔登却是在德克萨斯州长大的。他已经为美国队出场17次。

8.If you first meet Holden Caulfield when you're too old, the desire to give him a good slap might impede your enjoyment.因为等到你年长后才知道霍尔顿·考尔菲德,那种恨不得狠狠给他一个大耳光的冲动也许会影响你的心情。

9.Most parents are at least what Holden calls "very occasional spankers. " Until recently I placed myself in this category too.许多父母是霍登口中的“极其偶然打孩子的”直到最近我才把自己放入这一类。

10.Holden's language seems to be amusing, while in essence is more serious than Huck's.霍尔顿的语言则在表面上表现出取乐的一面,而在本质上却具有严肃性。