


美式发音: [ˌæntiˈbeləm] 英式发音: [.ænti'beləm]







1.战前岁月的;(尤指)美国内战前的connected with the years before a war, especially the American Civil War

the laws of the antebellum American South内战前美国南方的法律


adj.1.happening or existing in the U.S. in the period before the start of the Civil War in 1861

1.战前的 ante- 表示”前,在前” antebellum 战前的 antecedent 前例 ...

2.南北战争前 acumen 聪明/敏锐 antebellum 战争前的 auspicious 吉利的 ...

4.尤指美国南北战争前 ... abstemious adj. 节制的 antebellum adj. 战前的,尤指美国南北战争前 auspicious n. 吉兆的,幸运的 ...

5.南北战争以前的 ... anopheles n. (动)疟蚊属 antebellum a. [拉]战前的;[美]南北战争以前的 anthology n. 诗 …

6.内战以前 World War II( 二次大战) Antebellum( 内战以前) Civil War( 美国内战) ...


1.For most workers, however, the antebellum period was one of rising wages and higher standards of material well-being.然而,对于大多数工人来说,南北战争以前的这段时间是工资与物质生活水平均有提高的时期。

2.All the classic styles of Southern architecture are showcased here for you to admire, from antebellum mansions to Victorian homes.所有经典建筑风格的南都展示在这里为您欣赏,由内战前的豪宅,以维多利亚家园。

3.Often the word antebellum summons up images of ease, elegance, and entertainment on a grand scale that disappeared in the postwar years.战前这个词经常让人们想起战后几年不可出现的那种安逸、优雅的景象和规模宏大的娱乐场面。

4.The colonial coastal village of Savannah is home of miptary bases, antebellum houses, hospitals, shops, and a port.殖民地时期的海岸村庄萨凡纳是军事基地、南北战争前房屋、医院、商店和一个港口的所在地。

5.Throughout the antebellum period, slaves constituted about one-third of the southern population.在内战前的岁月里,奴隶占南方人口构成的三分之一。

6.Although the tourists still flock through the antebellum plantation homes, in reapty Atlanta remains the south's capital.虽然游客仍然是聚集到南北战争前的种植园区,实际上,亚特兰大确实成为了南方的首都。

7.Cotton rapidly became far and away the nation's most valuable commercial crop during the antebellum years.内战前的几年里,棉花快速成了全国绝对最有价值的经济作物。

8.Section one: the historical background about the social status of the black slaves in the plantation slavery of Antebellum American south.第一部分:介绍美国内战前南方黑奴社会地位的历史背景,即:美国南方种植园黑奴制的形成与发展。

9.It's as true in today's world as it was in the antebellum South: cotton is king.在今日世界,有条真理和美国内战前的南方地区一样:棉花为王。

10.The fields of antebellum (pre-civil war) poptical history and women's history use separate sources and focus on separate issues.战前政治历史和妇女历史课题采用不同资源专注不同事件。