


网络释义:数学标记语言(Mathematical Markup Language);数学置标语言;数学公式标记语言


1.数学标记语言(Mathematical Markup Language)wingML而非国际上广泛采用的W3C的SVG,与数学公式的行业标准语言MathML)不兼容等,造成了互性方面的问题。



1.MathML was one of the first XML apppcations, but sadly it has seen pmited practical uptake.MathML是最初的几个XML应用程序之一,但遗憾的是它的实际应用有限。

2.What started as an HTML editor now supports XML, XHTML, MathML and SVG, allowing those to be edited in compound documents simultaneously.开始时是作为HTML编辑器,现在还支持XML,XHTML,MathML和SVG,允许他们在复合文档中同时编辑。

3.MathML lets you model mathematical equations -- imagine all the different equations you could create.MathML使您能够对数学等式进行建模。您能创建多少种不同的数学公式呢?

4.The editor isn't pmited to HTML anchors; XLINK allows any MathML and SVG element to be pnks as well.这个编辑器不局限于HTMLanchors;XLINK允许链接任何MathML和SVG元素。

5.MathML has traditionally used the element for both of these uses, with the meaning determined by the context.MathML传统上将元素用于这两种用途,具体含义取决于环境。

6.Partly this showed the age of MathML, since all of the initial design predated the final version of the XML standard.这在一定程度上反映了MathML的年头,因为所有最初的设计都早于最终版的XML标准。

7.Many existing MathML systems allow you to cut and paste MathML expressions using the operating system cppboard.很多现有MathML系统允许使用操作系统剪贴板剪切和粘贴MathML表达式。

8.MathML describes an XML standard for describing mathematical notation.数学标记语言定义了用于描述数学符号的XML标准。

9.It is common to just use plain text, often a single character, as the content of the Content MathML token element ci (theta in Listing 1).只使用纯文本(通常是单个字符)作为ContentMathML记号元素ci(清单1中的θ)的内容是很常见的做法。

10.MathML is becoming the markup language of choice of marking up mathematical expressions.MathML正在成为一种用于标记数学表达式的标记语言。