




1.我感觉 我的幸运星 幸运语:我感觉( I Feel ) 守护星:月亮(巨蟹宝宝的情绪变化,真是像极了守护星月亮的阴晴圆缺! cw-info.shenz…

2.我觉得 9.我知道你要来了。 I know you ____ ____. 5.我觉得有点冷I feel _________ ________ …

4.我感到 我 身体 到处 都疼。 Everywhere hurts in my body. 我感到...... I feel ... 吃 药 take medicine ...

5.我的感受2)「你的行为—」(When you—),(3)「我的感受—」(I feel—),(4) 「因为我—」或「因为—,我—」(Because I— or …

6.我的感觉 13 9To5 朝九晚五 3:32 14 I Feel 我的感觉 2:51 15 Don't Bother Me 别烦我 3:19 ...


1.I feel as though what's done in the dark will come to pght.我感觉好像说那些原本不为人知的事将会有有一天真相大白。

2.I feel a bit awkward in pubpc and do not show up quite as well as I should.系公众场合中,您会因为感到唔自在而表现得不如理想。

3.I feel wrong, and in a rapid exit from the spirit of the storm, over-rapid, suddenly made my mind to have burst gaps, as if having dizzy.我感觉不对,从精神风波中急速退出,过度的急速,顿时使我的头脑中又一阵空白,天旋地转似的。

4."I feel great, I feel sharp as ever and I've been training well but you'll have to ask the boss that question, " he said.他说:“我状态很好,又似回到了如以往般犀利了,我一直训练有方,但你应该让老板回答这个问题吧。”

5.While Mr. Bush said before the show at the Royal Courts of Justice in London started: "I feel that I am going to touch the sky. "展出开始前,布什先生在伦敦皇家司法院说:“我感觉我要去触碰天空了。”

6.He's such a good man. We became friends almost as soon as we met. He's very sweet and I feel so secure when I'm with him.他是个好人。我们刚见面就成了朋友。他为人体贴,和他在一起我感到很安全。

7.Every time I put money back in someone's pocket, I feel less guilty about the fact I spent many years taking it out.一想到之前许多年我从这些‘口袋’里掏出了很多钱,我就内疚……。

8.I feel your heart. He is not that perfect, but he is so charming to you and that is all.我可以体会到你的心境,觉得他无所谓完美。可是他那样的迷人。

9.I feel a bit out of form today; I'm afraid my tennis won't be up to your standard.我今天略感不适,恐怕我的网球水平达不到你的标准。

10.And I feel that this war is the war of my pfe.我感到这场战争贯穿了我的一生,我无数次地遇上它。