


美式发音: ['æntɪkraɪst] 英式发音: ['æntɪkraɪst]






1.敌基督(指基督的大敌魔鬼)the Devil ; Christ's greatest enemy


n.1.an antagonist of Jesus Christ, expected by the early Christians to spread evil throughout the world, but then to be overcome by the second coming of Christ2.a person or power opposed to Jesus Christ

1.反基督者 antichopnergic 抗胆碱能 antichrist 反对基督者 antichristian 反对基督者 ...

6.反基督教者  广泛的意义, 如恶魔及撒旦,末世时还包括反基督教者(antichrist)。  ╁ 3.圣经中所有提到666的段落  圣经的启示录第13章18节的 …



1.Kobe, I know that this season has been a bit of a disappointment, but I'd pke to talk to you more about your role as the Antichrist.科比,我知道这个赛季有一些失望,但是我想与你更多地谈谈关于你所扮演角色的问题。

2.Because they are antichrist, and an antichrist has no truth, only the truth that it has confiscated from others.因为他们是反基督,一个反基督没有真相,只有从别人那里没收的真相。

3.The number 666 is often associated with the Antichrist, but it's by no means certain that the two are the same.数字666还常常与反基督的人联系在一起,但这绝不意味着两者就完全是一码事。

4.and even as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come; whereby we know that it is the last hour.你们曾听见,那敌基督的要来,现在已经有好些敌基督的出来了,从此我们就知道如今是末时了。

5.And perhaps this was the essence of Nietzsche's Antichrist, a contrapuntal figure par excellence.也许这才是尼采反基督的本质,一种卓越的对位舞蹈步法。

6.Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come.小子们哪,如今是末时了。你们曾听见说,那敌基督的要来;

7."Antichrist" is a horror film about a couple who loses their child and moves to a cabin in the woods to try to deal with their grief.“反基督者”是一部恐怖电影,它描述了一对夫妇失去了自己的孩子,搬家去了森林里的小屋来治疗伤痛。

8.Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come.小子们哪,如今是末时了。你们曾听见说,那敌基督的要来现在已经有好些敌基督的出来了。

9.Antichrist depicts the anguished reaction of a couple to the death of their son, who falls from a window while they are having sex.反基督描述了一对因为儿子在他们性交时不慎从窗户掉落死亡而痛苦不堪的夫妇的故事。

10.I am here to tell you today that just pke there is no boogie man, there is no antichrist.我在这里告诉你们,今天一样,也没有喧嚣的人,是没有安息日。