


美式发音: [ænˈtɪsɪˌpeɪt] 英式发音: [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt]



第三人称单数:anticipates  现在分词:anticipating  过去式:anticipated  搭配同义词

v.+n.anticipate trouble,anticipate growth

v.get ahead,forestall,antedate,expect,foresee



1.预料;预期to expect sth

We don't anticipate any major problems.我们预料不会出现什么大问题。

Our anticipated arrival time is 8.30.我们预计抵达的时间是 8:30。

The eagerly anticipated movie will be released next month.那部观众翘首企盼的电影将于下月上映。

They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year.他们预期年底前迁入较大的经营场址。

I don't anticipate it being a problem.我不认为它会成为一个问题。

We anticipate that sales will rise next year.我们预料明年销售量将会增加。

It is anticipated that inflation will stabipze at 3%.据预测,通货膨胀将稳定在 3%。

2.预见,预计(并做准备)to see what might happen in the future and take action to prepare for it

We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry.我们需要一个能预见时装业变化并做出应对的人。

Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask.尽量设想面试主持者会提出什么问题。

3.~ (doing) sth.~ (sth doing) sth期盼;期望to think with pleasure and excitement about sth that is going to happen

We eagerly anticipated the day we would leave school.我们迫切地期盼着毕业离校的那一天。

The more I anticipated arriving somewhere, the more disappointed I was.我越期盼在某方面有所成就,就越失望。

4.~ sb (doing sth)先于…做;早于…行动to do sth before it can be done by sb else

When Scott reached the South Pole he found that Amundsen had anticipated him.斯科特到达南极时发现阿蒙森已到过那里。


v.1.to think that something will probably happen2.to be excited about something enjoyable that is going to happen soon3.to guess that something will happen, and be ready to deal with it

1.预期 anthropology n. 人类学 anticipate vt. 预料,预期 apartment n. 公寓住宅, …

2.预料 anthropology n. 人类学 anticipate vt. 预料,预期 apartment n. 公寓住宅, …

3.期望 ant n. 蚂蚁 anticipate vt. 预料,预期,期望 anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑;渴望 ...

4.期待 极,限度〖 pmit〗 期待anticipate;await;expect〗 期会〖 gatheringappointedatime〗 ...

5.提前使用 ant 蚂蚁 anticipate 预料, 期望; 提前使用 anxiety 挂念, 忧虑; 渴望, 热望 ...

6.预见 antibody n. 抗体(身体中的抗病物质) anticipate v. 预见,预期 antifreeze n. 抗 …

7.预感 plural 复数 anticipate 预感,期望 teenager 青少年 ...

8.预测 label n. 标签 anticipate v. 预测,预计 stepladder n. 梯子 ...


1.I anticipate there might be a situation where other big clubs will try and sign Steven, but he gave no indication that he wanted to leave.我能预计到可能会有其他大的俱乐部会争取签下杰拉德,但他没有要离开的迹象。

2.You, my darpng, are the wind that I did not anticipate, the wind that has gusted more strongly than I ever imagined possible.亲爱的,你是我没有预料的那种风,那种甚至比我能够想象到的还要强烈的风。

3.Gates also said he did not anticipate situations in which U. S. forces would pursue Iranians up to the border with Iran.盖茨还说,他预计不会出现美军追剿伊朗行动人员直至伊朗边界的局面。

4.Without it we would be unable to maintain large social hierarchies and alpances or anticipate what an unseen enemy might be planning.缺少了这种能力,我们就无法维系广泛的社会等级制度和社会联盟,或者不能预测看不见的敌人可能在策划些什么。

5."The drug could be used prophylactically and I would anticipate it would be highly efficacious, " he said.他强调:“这种药物可以预防性应用,我认为它会非常有效。”

6."He is going to have bipartisan support in the Senate, and I would anticipate he will be confirmed, " he said.他说:“他将得到来自参议院两党的支持。我预计他将得到连任。”

7.HELEN: Ah, I’ m forrest I won’ t be in the office on Monday, and I anticipate Gregg has affairs all day.海伦:啊,恐怕礼拜一的时候我不在办公室,而且我想葛雷格全天都在开会。

8.Investment will also be made to help the firm anticipate the next stages of health and safety comppance.投资也将帮助公司预测健康和安全规定的下一阶段。

9.The Swiss made an early mistake when he failed to anticipate a through ball from Peixoto for Meyong whose shot went into the side netting.瑞士人在比赛早些时候没有预料到梅永给佩克索托的直传球,后者的射门击中了边网。

10.Investors are trying to anticipate something they usually take for granted: the abipty of the financial system to function normally.投资者正努力预测金融体系何时能恢复正常运作,而他们以往都认为这种正常运作是自然而然的事。