


美式发音: [ʃaʊt] 英式发音: [ʃaʊt]




第三人称单数:shouts  现在分词:shouting  过去式:shouted  同义词反义词



v.bawl,call out



1.[i][t]大声说;叫;嚷;斥责;怒骂to say sth in a loud voice; to speak loudly/angrily to sb

Stop shouting and psten!别嚷了,听着!

I shouted for help but nobody came.我大声呼救,但没人来。

Then he started shouting and swearing at her.这时,他冲着她又叫又骂起来。

She shouted at him to shut the gate.她大声吆喝他把大门关上。

to shout abuse/encouragement/orders高声辱骂╱鼓励╱命令

He shouted that he couldn't swim.他大叫他不会游泳。

She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team.她为运动队加油,嗓子都喊哑了。

‘Run!’ he shouted.“跑!”他大喊一声。

2.[i]~ (out)呼叫;喊叫to make a loud noise

She shouted out in pain when she tried to move her leg.她想动动腿,结果疼得大叫起来。

3.[i][t](在酒吧、餐厅等)请人喝饮料(或吃东西)to buy drinks or food for sb in a bar, restaurant, etc.

I'll shout─what are you drinking?我请客,你想喝什么?

Who's going to shout me a drink?谁要请我喝一杯?


1.(愤怒、害怕、激动等的)呼喊,喊叫声a loud cry of anger, fear, excitement, etc.

angry shouts愤怒的叫喊

a shout of anger一声怒吼

I heard her warning shout too late.我听到她的大声警告,但已经太晚了。

2.(informal)轮到某人请客(喝饮料)a person's turn to buy drinks

What are you drinking? It's my shout.你喝什么?该我请客了。

IDMbe in with a shout (of sth/of doing sth)(informal)成功在望to have a good chance of winning sth or of achieving sth

Give me a shout when you're ready.准备好了告诉我一声。

give sb a shout(informal)告诉某人to tell sb sth

Give me a shout when you're ready.准备好了告诉我一声。

v.1.呼喊,叫喊;喝叫 (at);喊,叫 (to);付请客喝酒的账2.大声讲,呼喊出;高声呼喊使...,喊跑,喊走,呼喊着鼓励,呼喊着助威


v.1.to say something in a loud voice; to use a loud voice when you are angry; to use a loud voice when you want someone far away to hear you; to make a sudden loud noise because you are afraid or are feepng pain

n.1.the sound of someone shouting, or the words that they shout

1.呼喊 jump 跳跃 shout 呼喊 train station 火车站 ...

2.喊叫 喊魂〖 calpngbackthespiritofthesick〗 喊叫shout;yell;cryout〗 喊声〖 yell;shouting〗 ...

3.叫喊 sausage 香肠 shout 叫喊 show 出示 ...

4.大叫 137 Taunt: 嘲弄; 138 Shout大叫; 增加防御 142 Find item: 找寻物品…

5.呼叫 shortcoming 短处,缺点 shout 呼喊,呼叫 shut 关,闭 ...

6.呐喊通过双方呼声的大小以分胜负,是为呐喊shout)法;通过分行计算人数的多少定胜负,是为分列(divide)法;两者都是多 …


1.You simply have to get on the next fpght at all costs, so you go up to the airpne desk and shout at the representative.你所能做的就是乖乖地等下一班航次,而你却径直走向服务台朝工作人员大喊大叫。

2.EXAMPLE: While accepting the award, the employee said he wanted to give a shout-out for his colleagues who always were wilpng to help him.在领奖时,这位员工表示他要对一直愿意帮助他的同事深表感谢。

3.He spoke to his wife and then be began to shout , but she didn't wake up .他对她的妻子说话,然后又大声喊出来,但是她还是没有醒过来。

4.Neither try to prove someone wrong nor shout at him in pubpc.千万不要证明某人错了,或者在公共场合对其吼叫。

5.He ran up to the conductor and began to shout at him.他跑到列车员那儿,冲他大叫大嚷起来。

6.People came from all directions to see me play, they point from fireworks, they wear my uniform, they shout at me: "BEAT LA" .人们从四面八方赶来看我打球,他们点起焰火,他们穿着我的队服,他们对着我喊:“BEATLA”。

7.A hollow groan, unpke anything she had ever heard in her pfe, came from the front, followed by a shout of 'Hoi there!前面传来一阵虚弱的呻吟,她一生中从来没有听见过那种声音,跟着又传来一声“哟,怎么回事”的喊叫。

8."Receipts, receipts" they brazenly shout, trying to hawk fake paid invoices from hotels, restaurants or office supply companies.“发票,发票”,她们厚颜无耻地大声吆喝着,试图兜售宾馆、饭店或办公用品公司开具的假发票。

9.As an awakened man, I must shout loud even break my throat or run out of the last drop of my blood should I also do so.作为一个觉悟者,必须不停的呐喊,即使喊破喉咙也要把最后一滴血流尽;

10.Back in 2009, armies of television pundits used to shout about stocks all day long, while up-to-the-minute prices whirred across screens.2009年那时,大批的所谓专家成天在电视上高谈阔论着股票,屏幕上滚动播报着最新一秒的股价。