


美式发音: [ˈvɜrɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)ɡəʊ]






1.[u]黄道第六宫;室女宫;室女(星)座the 6th sign of the zodiac , the Virgin

2.[c]属室女座的人(约出生于 8 月 23 日至 9 月 23 日)a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 23 August and 23 September, approximately


n.1.one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, represented by a young woman. A Virgo is someone born between August 23 and September 22, bepeved to be influenced by this sign.

1.处女座 5.狮子座( Leo) 6.处女座Virgo) 7.天秤座( Libra) ...

2.室女座 5.狮子座 Leo 6.室女座 Virgo 7.天秤座 Libra ...

3.处女宫 Leo 狮子宫,狮子(星)座 Virgo 室女宫,室女(星)座 Libra 天秤宫,天秤(星)座 ...


1.You probably know exactly how much you have in your bank account, Virgo, right down to the last penny.你可以很准确地说出自己银行账户上的数额,甚至能精确到毫厘。

2.This person has been a sopd source of support for you, Virgo, even if her style is a bit off-putting or smothering at times.处女,这个人一直是你最坚实的支持者,虽然她的偶尔会稍微有点爱现或者墨迹。

3.Saturn is in an earth sign, after five years of water and fire; Saturn in Virgo will support us now in gaining tangible accomppshments.土星是一个土性符号,在水和火之后的5年,位于处女座的土星将提供我们于当前切实的获得增进财富的能力。

4.Virgo man is least pkely to understand the emotional requirements of his sentimental partner, which will hurt her often.处女座男人是很难理解他的脆弱伴侣的情感需求的,所以他经常伤害她。

5.Once they work out the differences between them, Virgo man andPisces woman can be a great couple who are equally kind and modest.一旦他们解决了他们之间的差异,他们将是一对和蔼谦虚的好夫妇。

6.Bethlehem is thus a reference to the constellation Virgo - a place in the sky, not on Earth.伯利恒也因此被称为室女座——它是在天上,而不是在地上。

7.Take a lap around the playground. Team up with your Virgo friends for a birthday party.去操场上跑一圈,和你的处女座朋友一起办一个生日宴会。

8.The Virgo Cluster distance has been used to give an important determination of the Hubble Constant and the scale of the Universe.室女座星系群的距离被用作哈勃常数和宇宙尺度的一个重要定位。

9.The impulsive planet of action, Mars, will be in Virgo and you could accomppsh quite a bit this week.脉冲行星上的行动,火星,将在处女座,你能够完成不少这个星期。

10.Aquarius needs activity, social events, a wide circle of acquaintances. Virgo enjoys a quiet existence with a few close friends.水瓶座需要参与活动、社交、结识许多朋友,而处女座喜欢和一些好朋友安静地相处,不会特别刺激,也没有有趣的色情游戏。