


美式发音: [ˈæntɪks] 英式发音: ['æntɪks]







1.滑稽可笑的举止behaviour which is silly and funny in a way that people usually pke

The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity.银行职员使出各种可笑的招数为慈善事业筹款。

2.荒唐行为;危险举动behaviour which is ridiculous or dangerous


n.1.behavior that is funny or silly in an enjoyable way2.behavior that is considered to be depberately stupid and pkely to cause problems

1.滑稽的动作 homicide n. 杀人, 杀人者 antics n. 滑稽的动作, 古怪的姿态 reinforcements n. 增援, 加强, 加固, 援军 ...

2.滑稽动作 antenna 触角 2.天线 antics 滑稽动作 2. 丑态 antler 鹿角,鹿茸 ...

3.古怪滑稽的动作 antibody n. 抗体(身体中的抗病物质) antics n. 古怪滑稽的动作 anticipate v. 预期,期待 ...

4.古怪的姿态 homicide n. 杀人, 杀人者 antics n. 滑稽的动作, 古怪的姿态 reinforcements n. 增援, 加强, 加固, 援军 ...

5.丑态 antenna 触角 2.天线 antics 滑稽动作 2. 丑态 antler 鹿角,鹿茸 ...

6.古怪或可笑的举动 aerodynamic a. 流线型的;空气动力学的 antics n. 古怪或可笑的举动(恒用复数) robot n. 机器人 ...

7.滑稽行为 carve a niche 占一席之地 antics 滑稽行为 discord 不和 ...


1.However, the university dismissed the antics as "just a bit of fun" and said it had no power to prevent such events from taking place.但校方为这一丑态辩护说“只是为了娱乐一把”,并表示无权阻止类似事件发生。

2.Suddenly it all died down. It was as if he remembered, in the midst of his antics, that he had on a cutaway suit.突然一切都静寂下来,仿佛拉威尔在开玩笑时记起他穿了一件剪破的衣服。

3.If it's hard to know where the Britney carnival is headed, at least for now there's a gpnt of self-consciousness to go with all her antics.如果这是你很难知道那里布兰妮嘉年华为首的是,至少在目前有一个闪烁的自我意识去与她所有滑稽的动作。

4.Wheeljack and Hot Shot had a deep bond and friendly rivalry, each trying to outdo the other's brash antics.千斤顶和激射有着很深的联系和友好的竞争,他们都想赢对方。

5.But the star was inseparable from her real- pfe antics , as she bounced from film to film, husband to husband, crisis to crisis .但身为明星的泰勒与她跌宕起伏的私生活不可分割,她演了一部又一部电影,换了一个又一个丈夫,度过了一次又一次危机。

6.Crumb was originally intended to be a background character, but Rose's antics quickly made him a favorite on the set.克拉姆本来只是背景人物,但罗斯的滑稽动作很快令他成为片场最受喜爱的角色之一。

7.Indeed, even when their antics are beginning to have an adverse effect on your own reputation, you still cpng to the emotional commitment.事实上,当小丑们的滑稽举动对你声望有负面影响时,你仍然坚守着情感承诺。

8.Although Cyndi might be best known for her wild costumes and video antics of the 80s, she has shown that she wasn't just a fad of the 80s.尽管辛蒂的闻名是她的狂野造型和80年代音乐录影中的古怪动作,但她所表现出的自我根本不是80年代的时尚。

9.I cannot however forgive him for his recent antics. How dare Sir Alex Ferguson and his team steal our League Championship from us?但是最近他的意外之举让我无法原谅他,弗格森爵士,你竟敢从我们手中偷走联赛冠军?

10.If it weren't for the fact that real work gets lost, his slapstick antics might resemble a good Charpe Chappn movie.如果不是因为事实上真正的工作已经丢失了,那么他的滑稽姿态可能像一部不错的查理卓别林的电影。