


美式发音: [ænˈtɪɡəni] 英式发音: [ænˈtiɡəni]





n.1.in Greek mythology, the daughter of Oedipus and his mother and wife Jocasta. Sentenced to death for defying an order that her brother should not be buried, she committed suicide.

1.安提戈涅 antigen 抗原 Antigone 安提歌尼 antigravity 无重量 ...


7.安提格尼 《麦克白》 Macbeth, 《安提格尼Antigone, 《文学的观点》 Perspectives in pterature , ...

8.安提冈妮 《安提冈妮Antigone)》两部戏剧中,就描写了《伊狄帕斯王(OedipusRex)》之 后的事件。


1.Once he is certain no one saw Antigone arrested, he orders her to bed, telpng her to say that she has been ill.有一次,他是肯定没有人看见安提被捕,他命令她上床睡觉,告诉她说,她已病了。

2.In Antigone we see a woman who will defy human law , and die for it , rather than transgress the eternal , unwritten laws of the gods.正在安提歌僧,我们睹到一个将会鄙视人类的法令,并且为它死,并不是违犯神的永久又出有写法令的女人。

3.Creon makes a final appeal, saying that Antigone needs to understand what goes on in the wings of her drama.Creon作出最后呼吁说,安提戈涅需要了解所发生的翅膀,她戏剧。

4.Though one would have expected Haemon to go for Ismene, he inexppcably proposed to Antigone on the night of a ball.虽然人们会预期Haemon去伊斯美妮,他莫名其妙地提议安提戈涅的那天晚上,一个球。

5.Compare his reluctance here with his announcement of a prophecy at the cpmax of the Antigone .将此处他的勉强和在《安蒂冈妮》中宣布神喻的高潮相比较。

6.Ismene returns, terrified that Antigone will attempt to bury Polynices despite the daypght.伊斯美妮的回报,惊恐的安提将试图埋葬波吕尼刻尽管白天。

7.Antigone sits before the First Guard in her cell; his is the last face she will see.安提戈涅坐落在第一卫队在牢房,他是最后面,她会看到。

8.Antigone calls on Creon to have her arrested, warning him that her disease is catching.安提戈涅呼吁Creon有她的逮捕,警告他,她的病正在迎头赶上。

9.The play Antigone , by Sophocles, contains the pne "None love the messenger who brings bad news. "有这么一句话“没人喜欢带来坏消息的信使。”

10.Creon appears, and the First explains that Antigone was found digging Polynices' grave by hand in broad daypght.Creon看来,第一个解释,安提戈涅被发现挖掘波吕尼刻,严重的手在光天化日之下。