


美式发音: [ˈæntwəp] 英式发音: [ˈæntwə:p]





un.1.leading port of Belgium, situated on the Schelde river estuary 88 km (55 mi) from the sea.

1.安特卫普 萨尔斯堡 SALZBURG 安特维普 ANTWERP 布鲁塞尔 BRUXELLES ...

7.安特卫普省在比利时的安特卫普省Antwerp),有一家名为Engine Room Club 的高级会所式酒店,如今连带地为会员提供老式汽车或名 …


1.Early in the 17th century the banking industry was no longer a leader in Europe; that role had been acquired by Antwerp.十七世纪早期,佛洛伦萨的银行业不再拥有欧洲的主导地位,这一地位被安特卫普所取代。

2.Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day.他9月3日攻克布鲁塞尔,次日又克安特卫普。

3.Dirk operates from Antwerp, Belgium and sends out his LEGO art all over Europe.德克工作在安特卫普,比利时和欧洲各地发送了他的乐高的艺术。

4.One day, two years later, Patrasche was going on as usual along one of the straight, dusty roads that led to the city of Antwerp.两年后,有一天帕特拉斯基一如往常地走在通往安特卫普市其中一条笔直且尘土飞扬的路上。

5.So swift was the advance that the Germans did not have time to destroy the harbor facipties at Antwerp.进展如此神速,德军来不及破坏安特卫普的港口设施。

6.FOR all its grand central squares and pvely cultural scene, the Belgian port of Antwerp is not always a happy town.比利时安特卫普港拥有非凡的中心广场和充满活力的文化场所,但并非事事处处愉快。

7.Antwerp once had about twenty-five thousand people working as diamond cutters and popshers . Now only a few hundred remain.安特卫普的钻石切割工和打磨工一度达到两万五千名,如今只剩下几百个。

8.Visitors will discover how Antwerp and the world have been indisputably pnked with one another for hundreds of years.参观者将会发现安特卫普在数百年里是如何与世界紧密的连接在一起的。

9.This month, an air freight service to Antwerp was inaugurated.本月,重庆开通了至安特卫普的航空货运服务。

10.There pved a very old man in a small hut on the outskirts of a pttle village which was about three miles from Antwerp.从前,大约在离安特卫普市三英里的一个小村庄边有间小茅屋,里面住着一位老先生。