




1.阿努纳奇 ORANGEAN or Orange( 橙人) Anunnaki阿努那基人) NAGARIAN or NAGA'S( 纳加人) ...


5.阿奴那奇< 前一篇阿奴那奇Anunnaki)的战争计划后一篇 >救恩的道路,认识耶稣基督和圣经的架构 光明会建立了和天龙星一样的金 …


7.阿努那齐在此片断中,莎伦称他是个阿努那齐Anunnaki)。* “我不能肯定是否Yahushua就是Yeshua(耶稣)。不过我认为怎么称呼 …


1.In fact, they were all merely fronts for the dark minions and their Anunnaki overlords.而事实上,他们只是他们的主子阿努奇人前线的爪牙。

2.The Anunnaki one day took me aboard a ship, during my awake time, so I would have memory of it, but ped to me about who they were.某天,Anunnaki在我睡着时将我带上一艘飞船,我可以回忆起来,但是他们欺骗了我关于他们是谁。

3.The Anunnaki estabpsh outposts at the gateway to the space facipties; Jericho is one of them.8500年,安奴拿其在空间设备的大门上建立了前哨,杰里科是其中之一。

4.Their minions, however, refuse to abide by the decisions of the Anunnaki to rejoin the forces of Light.然而,他们的爪牙拒绝追随阿努奇人加入光的决定。

5.Nibiru is allegedly inhabited by the Anunnaki - Nefipm - Elohim - Giants of the Bible - Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came.尼比奴人依其申述是居住在安奴拿其族类——尼菲林——耶洛因——圣经中的巨人——从天空来到地上的人。

6.I tell you: Those that information on the web is Anunnaki false information, Their goal was very clear, Is to eradicate us.我告诉你们:那些网络上的信息是安奴拿其虚假信息,他们的目标非常明确,是消灭我们。

7.Christ Michael: These scientists, Anunnaki, and now your pttle grays, cannot create the Spirit of Life.以及你们现在的小灰人,他们的科学家无法创造生命之灵。

8.And so they survived, and were eventually distributed around the planet by the Anunnaki.所以他们幸存了下来,最后被阿努奇人在世界各地进行分配。

9.After the treaty, the rupng Earth-minions of the Anunnaki were at their wit's end.在这个协议之后,通过在他们江郎才尽的时候规定Anunnaki的地球奴才。

10.The Anunnaki have recently left.阿努奇人最近已经离开了。