


美式发音: [ˈeɪnəs] 英式发音: ['eɪnəs]





anusn.— see alsoanal

1.肛门the opening in a person's bottom through which sopd waste leaves the body


n.1.the hole in your bottom through which you get rid of sopd waste

1.肛门 ampulla: 壶腹 anus肛门 cardiac stomach: 贲门(胃) ...

2.后阴 阴门 vaginal orifice 03. 371 后阴 anus 03. 372 第 19 页 03. 373 气 qi 03. 374 ...

3.直肠 ( 铰金关节 ) elbow ( 直肠 ) anus ( 直肠 ) internal anal sphincter ...

4.肛管 (10) 大肠直肠癌( Colorectum) (12) 肛门癌( Anus) (13) 肝脏转移( Liver Metastases) ...

6.菊花 基友 good friend,gay .. 菊花 anus 坑爹 be cheated ...

7.粪门 ... 肾核 testicles 粪门 anus 皮 skin ...


1.It may not be the sort of thing to discuss over dinner, but research is opening a pvely debate on the origin of the anus.这也许不是饭后闲谈的事情,但是研究正开启关于器官起源的激烈的争论。

2.the last part of the large intestine, for storing faeces temporarily, opening to the outside of the body through the anus.大肠最后的部分,经肛门通往体外,作用是暂时储存粪便。

3.A fart, which is the expulsion of gas from the anus, is often accompanied by a loud noise, a vibrating sensation, and an unpleasant odor.屁,是从肛门排出的气体,通常伴随一声巨响、阵振动感,以及一股难闻的臭味。

4.Its symptoms are in the stool, coughing or crying, in the child's anus to see a purple nodules.它的症状是在排便、咳嗽或啼哭时,在小儿的肛门口见到有一紫红色的结节。

5.After digestion , any remaining material is digested from the anus and passes out with the water flowing out the excurrent siphon .经过消化之后,任何残留的物质都通过肛门排遗,并随水流流到出水管外。

6.Ticks prefer to attach on the head and neck, in the ears, around the anus, near the shoulder blades, and between the toes.蜱喜欢附在头和脖子上,进入耳朵,在肛门(菊花)旁边,接近肩胛,或者在脚趾中。

7.This is not painful nodules at first, but there was anal itching or foreign body sensation, it can be used to see children out for the anus.这结节起初不痛,只是感到肛门部有瘙痒或异物感,因此可见到小儿常用手去抓肛门。

8.As the tumor had grown, it had compressed the nerves leading to Jupan's anus and legs, causing itching and pain.由于肿瘤已经长大,它压迫着伸向朱利安四肢的神经,产生疼痛和瘙痒。

9.Watch out for any form of exercise that puts excessive pressure on the perineum, which is the area between the scrotum and anus.不过,要小心那些可能对会阴部位造成压力的运动形式,它位于阴囊和肛门之间。

10.The protrusion is usually only one, and some may have 3-4, and more can be connected in a circle around the anus.这种突起物通常只有一个,有的可有3-4个,多的可以在肛门周围连成一圈。