


美式发音: 英式发音: ['æŋkʃəsp]




adv.+v.anxiously wait





1.焦急地 anxious adj. 焦急的,切盼的 anxiously adv. 焦急地,急切地 any adj. 任何…

2.不安地 annoying a. 恼人的,讨厌的 anxiously ad. 焦急地,不安地 anyway ad. 不管怎样,无论如何 ...

3.忧虑地 anxious 观念的 anxiously 忧虑地 any amount of 任何数量的 ...

4.焦虑地 occasionally 偶尔地, anxiously 焦虑地,急切地, practically 实际上,实用上, ...

5.担心地 ★queuev. 排队等候 ★anxiously adv. 忧虑地,担心地 ★steady adj. 稳定的;稳固的 ...

6.眼巴巴 ... 眼格[ field of vision (or view)] 眼巴巴[ (expecting)eagerly;anxiously] 白眼[ turn the whites of eye up] ...

7.急切地 anxious adj. 焦急的,切盼的 anxiously adv. 焦急地,急切地 any adj. 任何…


1.Ah Wu fails to turn up. Yingxiong, Dadi and Ziyi look for him anxiously and finally find him at his mother's grave.阿武迟迟没在赛场出现,英雄、大地、姿宜等焦急地到处找他,终于在黎明的坟前找到他,但阿武却不想再去比赛。

2.He looked at me anxiously, as if he hoped I'd corroborate this.他神色不安地看着我,仿佛他希望我证实地的话。

3.They may also start anxiously sifting though their past for details of any run-ins with him, praying his memory isn't too long.他们这些人自己或许也在回忆过去和新老板有无过节,祈祷新老板贵人多忘事。

4.Your anxiously anticipated apppcation seems to have been slowing down over the past few hours and finally appears to be hanging.您急切盼望的应用程序似乎在过去几个小时逐渐慢下来,最后似乎挂起了。

5.'Ah! ' she said anxiously, 'is Marguerite with you? '“啊!”她不安地对我说,“玛格丽特跟您一起来的吗?”

6.He looked at me eagerly, anxiously hoping that I could help him with his math.他急切的望着我,希望我能帮他复习数学。

7.He ran behind the wall anxiously, but Peter was all right, "I'm sorry, sir, " he said, "but I ( missed ) again. "他跑到那堵墙后面,但彼得安然无恙,“对不起,长官,”他说,“但我射偏了。”

8.Kanchi said anxiously, as the sky began to darken for a pght rain.凯蒂忧心重重地说,因为此时天空暗淡无光,像是要下小雨的样子。

9.Each cuff was a check, and Martin went over them anxiously, in a fever of expectation, but they were all blanks.每一张袖口都是一张支票,马丁怀着急切的希望检查着。可全是空白支票。

10.With his head aslant , and his ears pricked up, pke his horse, he was frowning at the driving rain, and anxiously looking before him.他和他的马一样,歪着头,抿着耳朵,被瓢泼大雨打得皱起眉头,急切地注视着前方。