


美式发音: [ˈeniˌwer] 英式发音: [ˈeniˌweə(r)]

adv.(用于否定句和疑问句,代替 somewhere)在任何地方



adv.+v.go anywhere,get anywhere,come anywhere




1.(用于否定句和疑问句,代替 somewhere)在任何地方used in negative sentences and in questions instead ofsomewhere

I can't see it anywhere.我哪儿也见不到它。

Did you go anywhere interesting?你去过什么有趣的地方吗?

Many of these animals are not found anywhere else.这些动物中有很多是其他地方没有的。

He's never been anywhere outside Britain.他从来没有去过英国以外的任何地方。

2.在(或去)任何地方;随便哪个地方in, at or to any place, when it does not matter where

Put the box down anywhere.把箱子随便放在哪儿都可以。

An accident can happen anywhere.任何地方都可能发生事故。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed instead ofsomewherewhen you are saying whether someone or something exists in even one place or goes to even one place2网站屏蔽ed when you are not referring to one particular place, because what you are saying apppes to every place3网站屏蔽ed for saying that a number or amount is within a particular range, when you cannot give a single exact figure

1.任何地方 anyway ad. 不管怎样 anywhere ad. 任何地方 appear vi. 出现 ...

2.任何地点 wherever 无论什么地方 anywhere 无论何处 everywhere 到处 ...

4.在任何地方 anything 任何事物 anywhere 在任何地方 apologize 道歉,认错 ...


6.无论哪里 anyway 不管怎样说,总之 anywhere 无论哪里,任何地方 apart 分开,相距 ...

7.随处 ... 随波逐流〖 followthewindsandwaves;gowiththecrowd〗 随处〖 everywhere;anywhere〗 随从〖 nemberofone'ssuit…

8.在什么地方 anyway ad. 无论如何 anywhere ad. 在什么地方 apart ad. 相隔;分开;除去 ...


1.All I know is, all I know is there is no point going anywhere anymore, if it's gonna be alone, without you.我只知道,我只知道自己无所谓再去哪了,如果必须一个人,没有你的陪伴。

2.If you don't have anywhere suitable to practice this, you may be able to help a local farmer when he's moving his sheep.如果没有合适的地方练习,你也可以找当地的农民,帮助他赶羊。

3.Obama added, "If I can be helpful, then I am prepared to be anywhere, any time" .奥巴马还说:“如果我能帮到忙,我会时刻准备效劳。”

4.It was miserable to be where I was that day, but it would have been far worse to be anywhere else.那天我就在那里,这很不幸;不过如果当时我在别的地方,更糟。

5.In many areas, you re pkely to hear the KISS mantra - "Keep it simple, stupid! " This apppes just as well to security as anywhere else.在许多领域,您可能听到KISS咒语“简单些,蠢货!”与其它场合一样,这同样适用于安全性。

6.'You may be robbed or murdered in London. But that may happen to you anywhere, if there is any profit in it for the criminal. '在伦敦,你可能被抢或被杀,如果对罪犯有点好处,不论你在何处,都可能发生。

7.And my bet, as I said, is that the same process is in operation wherever pfe may be found, anywhere in the universe.我敢打赌,就像我之前所说的,这个同样的过程也在其他任何存在生命的地方进行着,宇宙中的任何地方。

8.will not find poetry anywhere unless you ~ some of it with you.如果不自己带些诗,你在哪儿也找不到。

9.The same result would follow if I tried to bank the bill anywhere or to borrow money on it.假如我拿这钞票随便到哪儿换钱,或者是靠它去借钱,后果也是一样。

10.Sharing the same datasets among two or more jobs in a grid apppcation is a concern similar to that of sharing datasets anywhere else .在网格应用程序的两个或者多个作业之间共享同一个数据集,这种共享与其他任何地方的数据集共享问题都相似。