




1.单星 D063:Dual Love 双双爱心 项链 D051:Single Star 唯一的星星 项链 D052:Premium Pet 高贵狗狗 项链 ...


1.It had been snowing all night, not a single star in sight.下雪的晚上,没有星星的夜晚。

2.There are whole systems whose gross domestic product is less than the cost of a single Star Destroyer.有些星系的国内生产总值甚至还比不上单艘歼星舰的成本。

3.Texas is called the Lone Star State. It gets its nickname from the single star on its flag.德克萨斯州被称为孤星之州,这个昵称从它旗帜上的那颗独星得之。

4.For A New Hope, ILM used a single Star Destroyer model for all the required shots in the film.拍摄《新的希望》时,工业光魔把单个歼星舰模型用于电影里所有需要的镜头。

5.The above discussion apppes to the evolution of a single star.以上所说的种种情况,较适用于单独的恒星。

6.The planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft has discovered two Saturn-pke planets orbiting a single star.行星猎人-开普勒天文望远镜近日发现了两颗类似土星的星球,围绕着一颗恒星在旋转。

7.To help understand this, we can imagine viewing a single star in the exact center of the telescope eyepiece (field of view).为了有助于理解这个问题,我们可以想象,在目镜的正中央,看一颗星。

8.His Sakanadokoro Koetsu, a fish restaurant with a counter and 10 seats, just earned a single star, its first.他的餐厅SakanadokoroKoetsu是一家吃鱼的地方,这家有一个柜台、十个座位的餐馆刚刚获得了一颗星,这也是它首次获此评价。

9.All raised, on high, the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star.我们都高举起饰有一颗星的美丽的蓝旗。

10.Not a single star of hope hovers above his horizon.地平在线连颗希望之星都没有。