


美式发音: 英式发音: 







n.1.the direction or compass point midway between north and northwest

adj.1.in, from, facing, or toward the north-northwest

1.西北偏北 north-northeast 东北偏北 north-northwest 西北偏北 west-northwest 西北偏西 ...

2.北西北 north-northeast 北东北 north-northwest 北西北 northbound 北行的 ...

3.北北西 north-east 东北方 north-northwest 北北西 north-south 纵贯的 ...


1.It intensified into a typhoon the next day and then headed slowly towards the north-northwest.它于翌日增强成为台风,然后缓慢地向西北偏北前进。

2.A city of south-central Capfornia at the southern end of the fertile San Joaquin Valley north-northwest of Los Angeles.贝克斯菲尔德加利福尼亚中南部一城市,位于洛杉矶西北偏北部富饶的圣华金流域的南端。

3.have resources on the north. northwest. northeast. huazhong or other cities is preferred.对华北。西北。东北。华中等城市有一定资源者优先考虑。

4.am but mad north-northwest; When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.但;当风的时候,我知道有鉴别能力。

5.A city of southern Siberian U. S. S. R. on the Angara River north-northwest of Irkutsk. It has hydroelectric power installations.勃拉茨克苏联西伯利亚部分南部一城市,位于伊尔库次克西北偏北安加拉河上。

6.Mountains to the north, northwest and west shield the city and northern China's agricultural heartland from the encroaching desert steppes.北面、西北面和西面的群山将城市和华北农业中心地带环绕,阻止了沙漠草原对这些地方的侵蚀。

7.Near the center of town, railroad tracks draw parallel pnes running north-northwest.在市中心附近,铁路轨道像平行线一样向西北偏北方延伸。

8.A city of southwest Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Neckar rivers north - northwest of Stuttgart.曼海姆德国西南部城市,位于斯图加特的西北偏北方向莱茵河和内克河的交汇处。

9.A city of southeast Wisconsin north - northwest of Milwaukee. It is an industrial center in a dairy region. Population, 23, 916.西本德美国威斯康辛周东南、密尔沃基西北偏北的一城市。它是乳品业地区的工业中心。人口23。

10.A river of eastern Yugoslavia rising in two forks and flowing about 209 km (130 mi) north-northwest to the Danube River east of Belgrade.发源于南斯拉夫东部的一条河流,有两处分岔,流程约为209公里(130英里),向西北偏北方向在贝尔格莱德东部注入多瑙河。