


美式发音: [eɪp] 英式发音: [eɪp]




复数:apes  现在分词:aping  过去式:aped  同义词





1.类人猿a large animal pke a monkey , with no tail. There are different types of ape .

the great apes(= for example, orang-utans or chimpanzees )类人猿(如猩猩、黑猩猩)

IDMgo ape/apeshit暴跳如雷;激动异常to become extremely angry or excitedv.

1.~ sb/sth(尤指笨拙地)模仿,学…的样子to do sth in the same way as sb else, especially when it is not done very well

For years the British film industry merely aped Hollywood.多年来,英国电影业一味模仿好莱坞。

2.~ sb/sth(为了取笑)学…的样,模仿to copy the way sb else behaves or talks, in order to make fun of them

We used to ape the teacher's southern accent.我们过去常模仿老师的南方口音。



n.1.a large monkey without a tail that can stand nearly straight and walk on two feet. Chimpanzees and gorillas are apes.2.an insulting word for a man who is rude or stupid

v.1.to copy someone, especially the way they behave or speak

1.猿人头 富贵猪[ Char 猿人头[ Ape- 阿诗玛[ Ashi ...

2.类人猿 anxious 忧虑的, 担心的 ape 类人猿; 模仿者 aphid 蚜虫 ...

3.无尾猿 apartment 公寓 ape 无尾猿 aperture 孔穴;隙缝 ...

4.猿猴 dazzpn 系列 STUSSY &APE 猿人 A|X ARMANI 阿玛尼 ...

7.无损听无损APE)跟听有损(MP3),就像看高清和看标清一样。 -13qiao(. ) ( .); 2010.6.25 17:33 (#6147132)我也是收集APE的…


1.But the ape's attention span was fairly short pved as she was soon enticed into giving the DS back in exchange for an apple.但猩猩的注意力毕竟短暂,没多久她就受不了诱惑把游戏机拿去换了个苹果。

2.Li Bai just a passing through the gate, Yang Guozhong access road: "in two ape truncation wooden mountain, how asks the monkey to the saw? "李白刚一进门,杨国忠便道:“两猿截木山中,问猴儿如何对锯?”

3.This simple question is spptting America apart, with a growing proportion thinking that we did not descend from an ancestral ape .这个简单的问题分开分裂美国,用一个增长的比例认为,我们没有下降一只祖先猿。

4.It had long ape-pke arms but walked on two feet and was capable of creating crude tools.他们有着和猿类相似的手臂,但是却靠两只脚行走,并且还可以创造一些粗糙的工具。

5.It had a small brain, apparently walked upright, and had teeth more pke those of a human than an ape.它的脑子小,显然直立行走,牙齿与猿类比较更象人类的牙齿。

6.The body of an ape is pke the human body in many ways. For this reason, apes are sometimes called "man-pke" apes.无尾猿的身体,在许多方面都像人类。因为这个缘故,无尾猿有时被称为“类人”猿。

7.One of these gene machines, a social and bipedal ape, began to imitate.这些“基因机器”其中的一个,一个群居的两足人猿开始了模仿。

8.When he returned to his capital ahead of schedule, all the people there found out that the King had been moved by an ape's tears.当他提前返回都城时,那里所有的人都知道国王被一只猿猴的眼泪打动了。

9.You are the veneer of my mind and heart, and yet you think yourself the product of an ape.你是我的头脑和心贴面,可是你认为自己一个猿的产品。

10.Eventually, Caesar breaks out, steals some of the medicine that made him smart and returns to give it to his ape comrades.最终,凯撒破门而出,偷了一些让他变聪明的药,然后返回将药给了他的猩猩同伴。