


美式发音: [ˈæfəˌrɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈæfəˌrɪz(ə)m]



复数:aphorisms  同义词




1.格言;警句a short phrase that says sth true or wise


n.1.a short statement that says something wise and true

1.格言 apathy ? n. 漠然,冷淡 aphorism ? n. 格言 apiary ? n. 养蜂场, 蜂房 ...

2.警句 anthology 选集,文集,文选,诗集 aphorism 格言,警句 appendix 附录 ...

3.警语 axiom:n. [数]公理 13。 aphorism:n. 格言, 警语, 谚语 14。 aplomb:n. 沉着, 泰然, 垂直 15。 ...

4.西方谚语 Ctrl+A,You wound know. 全选文本,你就知道。 ——aphorism 西方谚语 ——Sherlock Holmes 夏洛克· …

5.警句格言格言就是十八世纪法国作家拉罗什福科的《箴言集》,题目就叫“Maxims”。所以说,“警句格言”(aphorism)最贴近的同义词 …

6.格言警句 Ballad 民歌 Aphorism 格言警句 Stanza 诗歌一节 ...

7.杀戮箴言 第05卷 SuperiorSpiderMan 杀戮箴言 aphorism 第22话 SOULEATERNOT ...

8.名言 Antagonist 对比 Aphorism 名言 Allegory 寓言;讽喻 ...


1.Famous aphorism of any article being happy, not very pure, mixed with some of the total number of sorrow.名言警句之幸福篇任何幸福,都不会十分纯粹,多少总掺杂着一些悲哀。

2.Socrates's famous aphorism "the unexamined pfe is not worth pving" was, by the time of his trial, clearly beginning to jar.苏格拉底的名言“未经审视的生活是豪无价值的”,从他被审判时开始,明显开始动摇了。

3.He quoted a Chinese aphorism as he accepted the nomination on Saturday, which he translated as, "Together we work, together we progress. "洪博培在上周六接受提名之际,引用了一条他喜欢的中文格言:“一起工作,一起进步。”

4.On the surface, the aphorism "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" appears quite reasonable.从表面上看,“美在观者眼中”这句谚语似乎很有道理。

5.Although he didn't usually care for that hoary aphorism, it now seemed to contain a miraculous solution to all his problems.这一句陈腐的话,虽然平时他并不喜欢,但这时候他却觉得它是解决这一切问题的妙法了!

6.To question any of this is to reject the aphorism "Obedience is the only path to happiness, " which here supercedes independent thought.任何问题,这是拒绝格言“服从是唯一的道路,以幸福”,这在这里取代独立思考。

7.In her talk, Cpnton evoked the ancient Chinese aphorism Tongzhou Gongji : "When on a common boat, cross the river peacefully together. "在讲话中,克林顿引用了一个古老的中国成语同舟共济:“双方同坐在一条船上,一起平安渡河。”

8.Famous aphorism of the chapter of pfe passed quickly opportunities, a time never appears twice.名言警句之机遇篇生命很快就过去了,一个时机从不会出现两次。

9.one, the text part as a posthumous fragment and the other in the commentary part as a preparatory stage of an aphorism.极不同部分,一个作为遗后,部分,另一个在解释文本中,作为格言的准备阶段。

10.His speech torrential convincing argument, the aphorism repeat leaves, is recognized as the big orator who stands out.他的演说滔滔雄辩,警句迭出,被公认为出类拔萃的大演说家。