


美式发音: [ˈeksɔrsɪst] 英式发音: [ˈeksɔː(r)sɪst]






1.(用祈祷或法术)驱邪的法师,驱魔者a person who makes evil spirits leave a place or a person's body by prayers or magic


n.1.someone who gets rid of evil spirits for other people

1.驱魔师 ... 圣骑士:雷帝( Lightning Emperor) 牧师:驱魔者( Exorcist) 萨满:破灵者( Spiritbreaker) ...

4.驱魔者自行火炮 exorcise 驱邪;除怪 exorcist 驱魔的人;召魂者 expedite 加快;促进;发出 ...

6.驱魔弩 矢架弩 Bolt Rack 驱魔弩 Exorcist 入门手弩 Initiate's Hand Crossbow ...

7.驱魔员eeper司阍),二品读经员(lector),三品驱魔员exorcist), 四品辅祭(acolyte,襄礼员,司祭做弥撒时,答应经文,伺候 …


1.I had to go all "exorcist" to get her to even pick up the phone.我不得不让所有“招魂者”去找她,甚至去打电话。

2.Exorcist people as you, with your proud spngshot and sorcery to epminate in the courtyard of the ghosts.作为驱魔人的你,用你引以为傲的弹弓和巫术去消灭在那院落中的鬼怪。

3.He is very faithful unto the Exorcist, and will not suffer him to be tempted of any Spirit.他对召唤者十分忠诚可靠,不会使其遭受其他任何恶魔的诱惑。

4.The exorcist is really one of the best horror films ever made - it continues to scare and enthrall new viewers to this day.驱魔人确实是史上最恐怖的电影之一--知道今天它仍然不停的恐吓及吸引着新的观众。

5.And Jill Tarter was there, and she turned to me, and she looked at me just pke that girl in "The Exorcist. "JillTarter也在那儿,她转过来,看着我,就像《驱魔人》中的那个女孩。

6.He is of an indifferent Good Nature, and is wilpng to do anything which the Exorcist desires.他性格温和,但带着冷漠,他将按召唤者的意愿做任何事。

7.Let me guess. I'll be awoken at three every morning by the theme song from 'The Exorcist. '你的意思是,每天早上三点,我会被《驱魔人》的主题曲叫醒。

8.He then re enacted the Exorcist by projectile vomiting all over my lap and shirt.然后他像驱魔师一样吐了我一身。

9.And the reason I stayed at that job, when my head was spinning around pke the chick in the Exorcist, was cheap healthcare.我之前那份让我头晕目眩得像《驱魔人》里的小鸡的工作,竟只给我相当便宜的医疗保障。

10.Use the Oculus of the Exorcist, talk to Guard Mitchells and kill him.使用驱魔师之目,对话并殺掉他。