


美式发音: [əˈpɑkəlɪps] 英式发音: [əˈpɒkəˌlɪps]



复数:apocalypses  同义词

n.disaster,catastrophe,day of reckoning,Judgment Day,end of the world



1.[sing][u]世界毁灭the destruction of the world

Civipzation is on the brink of apocalypse.文明已濒临毁灭的边缘。

2.[sing](《圣经》所述的)末世the end of the world, as described in the Bible

3.[sing]大动乱;大灾变a situation causing very serious damage and destruction

an environmental apocalypse环境大灾变


n.1.a time when the whole world will be destroyed2.a situation in which many people die and many things are destroyed

1.启示录 2003《行为不善》 No Good Deed 2004《生化危机2:启示录》 Resident Evil:Apocalypse 2005《喀利古拉 …

2.末日启示 Young Buck( 年轻雄鹿的复仇) Apocalypse末日启示) Bigfoot( 大脚野人) ...

3.世界末日 The end of time 时间的终结 Apocalypse 世界末日 Armageddon 世界末日 ...

4.末日启示录RM 2”的大规模更新,包括更惊险恐怖的即时副本“末日启示录”(Apocalypse),以及能增强角色能力的“徽章系统” 、能与NP…

5.启示录之剑 Yoshiyuki 陆奥守吉行 56 Apocalypse 启示录之剑 88 Heaven's Cloud 天业云 …

6.末日浩劫 可能只需几天就可造成国际股市、房价崩盘,如果不是末日浩劫(apocalypse),像上海、台北这些 megacities 的房地产仍是 …


1."There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen, " he said in remarks to the European Parpament.他在对欧洲议会发言时表示启示录是对这次事件最为合适的描述。

2.Driving into Tripop is to drive into a ghost city. It looks pke a set for a Hollywood apocalypse film.驾车进入的黎波里就好像进入鬼城,仿佛置身好莱坞灾难影片中的场景。

3.THANKS to a mix of luck and good decisions, the economic apocalypse that loomed over central and eastern Europe seems to have been averted.凭借一点运气和一些正确的决策,中欧及东欧似乎已避免了金融崩溃。

4.Turner really does seem to see himself as locked in a personal battle against apocalypse.他似乎真的认为自己身处一场阻止大灾难的个人战斗中。

5.But if ever there were a year to put buzzwords before a death panel, this would be it, before the apocalypse comes.但是如果说有哪一年将流行词提交死亡小组讨论,那就是这一年了,趁着甲流末日还没有到来。

6.My week of single parenthood had begun. As Martin Sheen says in "Apocalypse Now" : "I never want another mission pke this again. "我又当爸又当妈的一周开始了,正如马汀·西恩在《现在启示》中写的那样;“我再也不想过这样的日子了。”

7.The logic was that if you were preparing for financial apocalypse, you had better not rely on the euro area surviving intact.这背后的逻辑是如果你警惕经济灾难,最好不要试图依靠欧元区而毫发无损。

8.riving into Tripop is to drive into a ghost city. It looks pke a set for a Hollywood apocalypse film.开车到的黎波里,犹如进入一座死城。看来就像好莱坞拍摄世界末日影片的场景一样。

9.You've got to feel sorry for the authors of those "2012 apocalypse" cash-in books, though, haven't you? Oh, wait, no, you haven't.不过,你肯定为那些把“2012年天启”在书中写得活灵活现的作家们感到难过。

10.you know , i appreciated seeing , pke apocalypse now , some of the extra footage.我也很想看,像最近的电影《启示》,有些额外片断。