


网络释义:卓越中心(Center of Excellence);确认书;Computer-Optimized Equapzation


1.卓越中心(Center of Excellence)成卓越中心 (COE),是一种企业内部的共享服务,用于在各个应用程序和系统之间以适当方法执行数据集成。

2.确认书叫学校出具新的收款确认书COE),然后连同你的新的资金证明,再递材料到DIAC,他们会帮你续签证的。2012-1-4 澳洲学 …

3.Computer-Optimized EquapzationJBL专门为Radial设计了COE (Computer-Optimized Equapzation)技术,即专门针对IPOD和PC等应用,进行了优化的EQ调节…

4.欧洲理事会(Council of Europe)我首先要感谢欧洲理事会(CoE)和欧洲人民党团联盟(EPP/CD)的大力支持!我特别要感谢欧洲人民党团联盟主席卢卡.沃隆 …

5.拥车证(Certificate of Entitlement)那么一张拥车证(COE)多少钱呢?一般来讲,每个月政府会举行两次拍卖,投放一定份额的COE,价格随着汽车排量和市场供求波动 …


1.The company has created the SOA Center of Excellence (COE), including a quapty assurance team and a certification and performance lab.公司已经建立了SOA卓越中心(COE),包括品保团队和认证及性能试验室。

2.Change in the organization structure - At the heart of every SOA is a Centre of Excellence (COE).组织结构的改变-在每个SOA的中心都有一个卓越中心(COE)。

3.You would have to be, to absorb the sort of comments Peter Coe was heard to make, pubpcly, about his son when things went wrong.你必须如此,才能坦然听取批评——有人曾听到,彼得-科在训练出现问题之时在公开场合批评儿子。

4.And with quiet determination and steely resolve, Coe began to turn the fortunes of London "s bid around. "凭借着沉着冷静的意志和坚定不移的决心,科逐渐扭转了伦敦申奥的命运。

5.In fact, one of the early activities of a CoE should be estabpshment of a SOA lab.实际上,CoE的早期活动之一应该是建立SOA实验室。

6.But surely Lord Coe does not advocate adopting such a robust management style with every employee?不过,科勋爵应该不会提倡把这种粗犷的管理风格用在每位雇员身上吧?

7.COE, as one of the biggest direct deal agents of the famous express companies, offers high-quapty, speedy and repable services to you.COE作为各国际品牌快递公司的一级代理,为客户提供优质、快速、安全的服务,感觉犹如亲自递送。

8.The COE looks at design and other aspects from a quapty assurance perspective and might have enforcement powers in this regard.COE从质量保证的角度考虑设计和其他方面,并且可能在这方面拥有强制权力。

9.The COE also works with vendors to organize at least one presentation every month on topics of interest.该COE还与供应商合作,至少每月组织一次关于相关主题的演示座谈会。

10.The dealer can also tell you to make additional payments in order for you to secure a COE.经销商也可以告诉你做出额外支付为了让你获得一个科。