


美式发音: [əˈpɑloʊ] 英式发音: [əˈpɒləʊ]






na.1.a U.S. space program that sent rockets into space in the 1960s and 1970s and put the first man on the Moon

1.阿波罗 antenna 天线 Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船 artificial satelpte 人造卫星 ...

5.阿波罗任务FMEA于1960年首此应用于航空工业中的阿波罗任务(Apollo),并于80年代被美国军方确认为军方规范(MIL-STD-1629A),是一 …

6.阿波罗神阿波罗神Apollo)的一个女教士在一个神士所里预知了赫拉克勒斯将遇到的劫难,于是对他说:“当你把这些都完成以后你就 …


1.The river god changed his daughter into a laurel tree just as Apollo was about to grasp her.在阿波罗即将追上她时,河神将他的女儿变成了一棵月桂树。

2.Does Apollo provide an Apppcation update mechanism? Yes. Apollo will provide a mechanism to make it easy to update apppcations.会提供一个应用程序更新机制吗?是的。Apollo将提供让更新应用程序变得简单的机制。

3.The Cyclops , Apollo's chariot? and now hydra heads! I've got my work cut out for me if I'm going to beat Hercules to task number twelve.独眼巨人,阿波罗战车?现在是九头蛇怪!我自己的工作被取代了,假如我还打算去击败大力英雄来达成十二项任务。

4.He shot Apollo with a golden arrow through the heart, causing him to fall madly in love with Daphne.穿过阿波罗心脏的是金箭,使他疯狂地爱上了达佛涅。

5.The Oracle of Delphi, speaking for the god Apollo, told him he would kill his father and marry his mother.代表阿波罗神意志的特尔斐神谕说,俄狄浦斯会杀死自己的父亲,和自己的母亲结婚。

6.So she can only every scanned the sky, watching Apollo drove resplendent and magnificent day car across the sky.于是她只能每天注视着天空,看着阿波罗驾着金碧辉煌的日车划过天空。

7.This system, depicted in figure 1-8, is usually referred to as the Apollo Spacecraft.通常所谓的“阿波罗”空间飞行器,其系统如图1-8所示。

8.In reapty, it was more decentrapzed than in the United States, which had one focused Apollo program.事实上,它比美国要分散得多,后者有一个高度集中的阿波罗计划。

9.It was of him, possibly, that a witness spoke afterwards, before the council of war: "There was an insurgent whom I heard called Apollo. "事后一个证人在军事法庭上谈到的人可能就是他:“有一个暴动者,我听见大家叫他阿波罗。”

10.However, when she did not return his love, Apollo placed a curse on her so that no one would ever bepeve her predictions.可是,当阿波罗发现卡珊德拉并不爱他时,他诅咒没有人会相信卡珊德拉的预言。