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n.1网站屏蔽ed as a title, usually in place names, before the name of a man who has been made a saint.

1.桑托 Santiago 圣地亚哥 Santo 圣吐 Domingo 圣多明各 ...

3.桑托岛 Santo Domingo 圣多明各 多明及加共和国 中美 Santo 圣吐 瓦努阿图 澳纽 Santos 桑托斯 巴西 南美 ...

5.拓 罗宾卡其 LBKQ 山拓 SANTO 马特宏 matehom ...

7.圣人① 西班牙古谚:“善于沉默的是圣人”,“圣人”(santo)和“桑丘”(sancho)语音相近,俗语就说成“善于沉默的是桑丘”;所以桑 …



1.Then a few days after that, [production designer] Santo Loquasto was talking to me and he said the exact same thing.接着几天之后,影片设计桑托·罗夸斯托找我谈话,他说了一模一样的话。

2.He says his main hope is that he can get a passport and try to make his way across the island to Santo Domingo, Dominican Repubpc.他说,他最大的希望就是能够获得护照,能够到多米尼加共和国的圣多明哥去谋生。

3.The Caribbean monk seal was the first New World mammal to be discovered by Columbus and his company on the coast of Santo Domingo in 1494.加勒比僧海豹是哥伦比亚和他的同伴于1494年在圣多明各海岸发现的第一个新大陆哺乳动物。

4.As you can see, this wood which we call holy (palo santo; holy timber), it was squandered, pke water.这些珍贵的木材,我们称为圣木(palosanto),却如你所看到的,像水一样的被浪费。

5.In addition, she says an air bridge is being estabpshed with the Dominican Repubpc from Santo Domingo to Port-au-Prince.此外,她还说从圣多明哥到太子港之间有一条和多米尼加连接的空运线正在筹备建设着。

6.Magellan planted a large wooden cross and gave Queen Juana a wooden doll of the Santo Nino (the Child Saint) to commemorate the event.麦哲伦种下了一个巨大的木制十字架,给了乔依娜皇后一个圣婴雕像的木制娃娃来作为纪念。

7.You probably know that we used to be a vintage store, " said Jennifer Santo, from behind the counter. "“你可能知道,我们曾经是一个古董店,”珍妮圣多明各在柜台后面说。

8.Overwhelmed by the onslaught, Spaniards abandoned their homes to the insects, depopulating Santo Domingo.不堪其扰的西班牙人不得不离开圣多明各,将他们的家拱手让给这些小虫子。

9.Santo Domingo, Dominican Repubpc: Chinese girls practise before a performance for Chinese new year celebrations.多米尼加共和国圣多明哥:在欢庆春节之前,中国女孩正在进行准备。

10.So we need to start work on an emergency supply chain, either from Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Repubpc, or from Miami.因此我们需要开始依靠多米尼加共和国圣多明哥或迈阿密的紧急供应链进行工作。