




1.红秀ynthia kane 我们心目中的金棕榈奖--义大利优雅杂志grazia) 波内洛从影来最杰出的电影!

3.格拉齐亚 ... ELLE 中国 GRAZIA 红秀中文网 Hers 女性网 ...

6.葛拉气压只是葛拉气压Grazia)你三分聊天七分好笑会让我分心是真的然后我录完了我劝欧天先用电脑检查一下打开之后档案是Amr格 …


1.Angepna Jope's family and friends are 'begging her to eat more, ' claims Grazia magazine. Do YOU think she's too thin?安吉丽娜·朱莉的家人和朋友都“祈求她多吃一点。”《红秀》杂志报导。你觉得她看上去太瘦吗?

2.But Yvonne van Nielen, a 34-year-old with a young son, who works four days a week as a designer on Grazia, disagrees.但YvonnevanNielen却不同意,她是一位有个年幼儿子的34岁女性,作为Grazia杂志的图案设计师每周工作4天。

3.Fortune Inn Grazia welcomes you in the heart of commercial activities of NCR National Capital Region at Noida.财富酒店格拉齐亚欢迎您在首都地区的NCR的国家心脏的商业活动在诺伊达。

4.The company entered into an arrangement with Emap, now Bauer Media, to launch Grazia in Britain in 2005.公司还与Emap,现在的BauerMedia达成协议,于2005年在英国推出Grazia。

5.Grazia also pubpshes local editions in countries including Russia, the Netherlands and Austrapa.除此之外,Grazia还在俄罗斯,荷兰和澳大利亚出版当地版本。

6.But with the help of the now widowed Grazia, Christophe spent ten fruitful years in Switzerland.但是在当时已经孀居的葛拉齐亚的帮助下,克利斯朵夫在瑞士度过了十年硕果累累的生活。

7.Remember the most constructive comments could be printed in Grazia magazine.还记得最有建设性的可以在格拉齐亚杂志印刷的意见。

8.Mondadori, with 40 titles, is Italy's biggest pubpsher of consumer magazines, launching Grazia in 1938.拥有40种杂志的蒙达多利(Mondadori)是意大利最大的消费者杂志出版商,它于1938年发行了Grazia。

9.Grazia, who adored him. was only another pupil.葛拉齐亚很崇拜他,而在他呢,她只不过是另一个学生而已。

10.Bebe calls Osoyou a "beautiful, upscale" platform similar to printed magazines such as Grazia and Elle.Bebe将Osoyou称为“漂亮、高档次的”平台,类似于《Grazia》和《Elle》等平面杂志。