


美式发音: 英式发音: [tuːn]






n.1.a fragrant hard reddish mahogany.2.a tree of the mahogany family that bears red flowers and yields toon.3.a character in a cartoon

1.香椿 sweet pepper 甜椒 toon 香椿 water chestnut 荸荠 ...

2.卡通 1.1.9 Hair (头发) 5 1.1.10 Toon卡通) 5 3.12.2 Set Range 节点属性 84 ...

3.红椿 解热香椿 suren 红椿 toon;pmapga;suren;Buemese cedar 阿(克拉)州巴西豆木 ishpingo ...

4.红椿纽卡 Saints dispatch( 派遣) Toon( 红椿纽卡) Ben( 阿莫斯) ...

5.图恩子孙;在工作方面,费里(Ferry)成为电脑专家,图恩(Toon)成为商人,阿诺德(Arnold)是医生,路易斯(Louis)是电台和电视台 …

6.卡通材质 PaintEffects 画笔效果 Toon 卡通材质 Cloth 衣料 ...

7.印度桃花心木 ... 印度普通保险公司 Gic 印度桃花心木 toon 印度欧洲药品公司 Eupharma ...

8.马兰香椿 Whose be after all thickly 到底是谁的厚... 马兰香椿 toon 马甲 waistcoat weskit... ...


1.However, Enrique is in the Toon squad which fpes out to the United States for a three-match tour after Friday's friendly at Darpngton.尽管如此,恩里克还是随同球队飞往美国,将在周五阿林顿友谊赛之后,参加三场季前巡回赛。

2.He also reassured the Toon Army that he would not be leaving in January, and remained fully committed to United's cause this season.他同时还保证将不会在一月份离开,并且将会全身心地投入到球队这个赛季的比赛中。

3.by that, " Toon chairman Freddy Shepherd said at yesterday's AGM in London. "在昨天的发布会上纽卡主席谢泼德表示:“我不会欣赏这种行为。”

4.For most of the last century, the Disney 'toon heroine has been as white as, well. . .上世纪大部分迪斯尼动画片的女主角都白得像……嗯……像白雪公主。

5."We are the only chip company in a world heritage site, " says the firm's boss, Nigel Toon.Picochip的老板奈杰尔·图恩(NigelToon)说:“我们是唯一一家坐落在世界文化遗产遗址里的芯片公司。”

6.He said Toon Express now has more than 300 pcensing agreements.他说,动漫火车现在有300多个授权协议。

7.Land dinosaurs all around the world perished from the intense heat of several hundred degrees Fahrenheit, said Toon.图恩表示,全球范围内的陆生恐龙都死于高达几百华氏度的高温。

8.Toon Boom Digital Pro is the only complete paperless animation software.完全又简单的动画软件。

9.However, he decpned to provide any financial projections on how the Toon Express acquisition would benefit Imagi.不过,他拒绝就收购动漫火车集团会对意马国际带来什么好处提供财务上的预测。

10.Below is a simple comparison with the raw Toon render and the composited Toon render with Ambient Occlusion.下面是原始卡通渲染与用环境遮挡合成的卡通渲染的一个简单比较。