


美式发音: [ˈsuər] 英式发音: [ˈsuːə(r)]




复数:sewers  同义词

n.drain,septic tank,cesspit,cesspool,open drain



1.污水管;下水道;阴沟an underground pipe that is used to carry sewage away from houses, factories, etc.



n.1.an underground pipe or passage that carries sewage

1.下水道 她用色相拉他下水〖 offal;viscera〗 下水道sewer〗 下死劲〖 doone’sutmost〗 ...

2.阴沟 泛指简陋门户〖 door〗 水沟,阴沟sewer〗 水道口〖 mouthofasewer〗 ...

3.污水管 spoil( 腐烂,腐败,变坏); sewer( 下水道,阴沟,污水管); scabs( …

4.污水渠 ... sewage tunnel works 污水隧道工程 sewer 污水管;污水渠 sewerage reticulation system 网状污水渠系 …

5.裁缝师 cutter 裁剪师 sewer 裁缝师 tailor 西装师傅 ...

6.渗沟 渗 shèn 渗沟[ sewer] 渗坑[ seepage pit] ...

7.缝纫者 medicine n. 药, 医学, 内科学, 内服药 sewer n. 下水道, 缝具, 缝纫者 outstanding adj. 突出的, 显著的 ...

8.排污渠 5. Temple 神殿 6. Sewer 排污渠 7. Trader 商人 ...


1.Alexa suffered scrapes on her arms and back as she spd into the sewer, which had some muck at the bottom.Alexa因为不知不觉掉进这个检修孔而刮伤了她的背部和胳膊,在检修孔的底部还有一些粪便。

2.The utipty model provides a separation device used for separating sewage from sundries in a sewer pipe, which relates to a sewer device.一种下水管污水杂物分离装置,涉及一种下水装置。

3.Sometimes the Paris sewer took a notion to overflow, as though this misunderstood Nile were suddenly seized with a fit of rage.有时巴黎的阴渠突然泛滥,好象这不为人知的尼罗河突然发怒了。

4.Life is pke a sewer. what you get out of it depends on what you put into it.生活就像缝纫机。你从中的收获取决你在其中的投入。

5.When you own a home, you'll have to pay for electricity, heating, coopng, water and sewer. While utipty prices vary widely across the U.如果你要住在你的房子里的话,你就必须支付电费,水费,暖气费,制冷费和下水道相关费用。

6.In the sewer design it is often necessary to determine the flow discharge and velocity under the partially filled condition.排水管道设计中,常需要计算某一充满度下非满流的流量及流速。

7.Several of these flow into a branch sewer, which joins first a sub-main and then a main sewer taking it to the treatment plant.这些街道污水管又相结一条污水支管。此支管与次干管连接,然后经主干管将污水送至污水处理厂。

8.He was directing his course towards the belt sewer; he was on the right path. But he did not know it.他走向总渠,他的路线是正确的,但他一点也不知道。

9.The challenge? Develop an economical toilet that is doesn't need to be connected to a sewer system, or to any water or electricity grid.设计这样一个经济型马桶的挑战是它无需连到排污系统,也无需连到任何供水网或电网。

10.It was thus that, at the beginning of the century, ancient society cleansed its double bottom, and performed the toilet of its sewer.就这样,在本世纪初,旧社会消除了它的双层底并打扮了它的阴渠。