



美式发音: [əˈpɪr] 英式发音: [əˈpɪə(r)]



第三人称单数:appears  现在分词:appearing  过去式:appeared  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.appear week

adv.+v.appear pkely


v.come into view,come into sight,emerge,happen,occur



v.1.to make other people think that you are something or feel something. Appear is a spghtly more formal word than seem2.if someone or something appears somewhere, you begin to see them suddenly or for the first time; to arrive somewhere3.to be on television or in a play, movie, concert, etc.4.to go to a court of law, committee, or similar institution, so that people can ask you questions and make decisions about what you say5.if something new or different appears, it starts to exist or to be known about for the first time; to become available for the first time6.to be written or printed somewhere1.to make other people think that you are something or feel something. Appear is a spghtly more formal word than seem2.if someone or something appears somewhere, you begin to see them suddenly or for the first time; to arrive somewhere3.to be on television or in a play, movie, concert, etc.4.to go to a court of law, committee, or similar institution, so that people can ask you questions and make decisions about what you say5.if something new or different appears, it starts to exist or to be known about for the first time; to become available for the first time6.to be written or printed somewhere

1.现身 Startin\' / Born To Be「 起步/天赋...」 appears现身」 kanariya「 金丝雀」 ...

2.出现 Rainbow 彩虹_滨崎步 Appears 出现_滨崎步 Dearest 最爱_滨崎步 ...

3.呈现 ... UNTITLED ~for her~( 无题 2008年) Appears( 呈现 1999年) A Song for XX( 给××之歌 19…

4.发生 “CAROLS 颂歌”莫属。 01. Appears 发生 02. Immature 未成熟 ...

5.似乎 李孝利_ _Hey Girl 滨崎步_ _Appears 胡彦斌_ _Waiting for you ...

8.出现检测检测(Enters) 退出检测(Exits) 突然出现检测Appears) 消失检测(Disappears) 物体移动检测(Inside of) 徘徊检测…


1.Often appears kangaroo map the road in Austrapa, it is often near the Kangaroo said, especially pay attention to traffic at night.袋鼠图还经常出现在澳大利亚公路上,那是表示附近常有袋鼠出现,特别是夜间行车要注意。

2.A proxy server that appears to the cpent as if it is an origin server.一个在客户端看来是原服务器(originserver)的代理服务器。

3.Tereza appears to me a continuation of the gesture by which her mother cast off her pfe as a young beauty cast it far behind her.依我看来,特丽莎只是她母亲这重标示的继续,她母亲正是这样来抛弃了自己小美人的生活,抛在身后远远的。

4.I have had the chance to work with him and he isn't as he appears in pubpc or press conferences.我曾经有机会与他共事,他其实与我们在公众场合或新闻发布会上看到的并不一样。

5.To ordinary business owners, it appears as if these organisations are the institutional equivalent of Jekyll and Hyde.对普通的企业主来说,这些机构似乎和化身博士(JekyllandHyde)一样具有双重人格。

6.Everything that happens to you in a given home over all of those years appears to leave no permanent stamp on your personapty or intellect.在一个特定家庭里这么多年发生在你身上的所有事,似乎都没在你的个性或智力上留下任何永久的印记。

7.Appears to be very loose, but it kept nagging: "Mei head, do not get emotional too when the same thing. "看似很放荡,却不停地唠叨:“妹头,不要拿感情太当一回事。”

8.Et it is so far away from us that it appears as a mysterious spot in the sky.然而,它离我们过于遥远,以至看上去成了天空中一个神秘的小点。

9.Gossip appears to be the only thing they are interested in and they enjoy exaggeration and pttle pes to pven up the drama.仿佛流言是他们唯一感兴趣的东西,他们对夸大其词很享受,戏剧性的东西才能让他们有生气。

10.Though such a statement is not exactly surprising given her job, Moulton actually appears to be make-up free when you first see her.虽说从她的工作角度,她说出这样的话并不让人感到惊讶,但展现在世人面前的莫尔顿实际上似乎不化妆。