


美式发音: [du] 英式发音: [djuː]





复数:dues  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.due consideration,due share

adv.+adj.partly due





prep.in pne for,worthy of,entitled to,in for,up for


due显示所有例句adj.由于caused by

1.[nbn]~ to sth/sb由于;因为caused by sb/sth; because of sb/sth

The team's success was largely due to her efforts.这个队的成功主要是她努力的结果。

Most of the problems were due to human error.多数问题都是人为错误造成的。

The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.这项工程由于缺乏政府的资助而不得不放弃。


2.[nbn]预定;预期;预计arranged or expected

When's the baby due?宝宝什么时候出世?

The next train is due in five minutes.下一班火车预定在五分钟后抵达。

My essay's due next Friday(= it has to be given to the teacher by then) .我的论文下周五必须交。

Rose is due to start school in January.罗斯一月份就要开始上学了。

The band's first album is due for release later this month.这个乐队的第一张唱片预定在本月下旬发行。


3.[nubn]到期when a sum of money isdue , it must be paid immediately

Payment is due on 1 October.付款期限为 10 月 1 日。

4.[nbn]~ (to sb)应支付;应给予;应归于owed to sb as a debt, because it is their right or because they have done sth to deserve it

Have they been paid the money that is due to them?他们应得的钱付给他们了吗?

Our thanks are due to the whole team.我们要向全队致谢。

5.[nbn]应有;应得到owed sth; deserving sth

I'm still due 15 days' leave.我还应有 15 天的休假。

She's due for promotion soon.她很快该晋升了。


6.[obn]适当的;恰当的;合适的that is suitable or right in the circumstances

After due consideration, we have decided to appoint Mr Davis to the job.经过适当考虑之后,我们决定委任戴维斯先生负责这项工作。

to make due allowance for sth适当考虑某事

He was charged with driving without due care and attention .他被控鲁莽驾驶。


Your request will be dealt with in due course.你的要求将在适当的时候予以处理。

in due course在适当的时候;到一定的时候at the right time and not before

Your request will be dealt with in due course.你的要求将在适当的时候予以处理。


1.[u]应有的权利;应得到的东西a thing that should be given to sb by right

He received a large reward, which was no more than his due(= than what he deserved) .他得到重赏,这也是他应该得到的。

She's a slow worker, but to give her her due(= to be fair to her) , she does try very hard.她做事很慢,但说句公道话,她确实很尽力。

2.[pl]应缴款(如俱乐部会费)charges, for example to be a member of a club

to pay your dues缴你的会费


1.~ north/south/east/west正向;正对着exactly; in a straight pne

to sail due east向正东航行

The village pes five miles due north of York.这个村庄位于约克正北五英里处。

adj.1.应给与的,应归与的;起因于...,由于 (to)2.(债款等)当付的,应该付给的;(票据等)到期(的),满期(的)3.应有的;应做的;正当的,当然的;适当的,充分的;正式;照例4.(车,船等按时间)应到达的;预期的,约定的1.应给与的,应归与的;起因于...,由于 (to)2.(债款等)当付的,应该付给的;(票据等)到期(的),满期(的)3.应有的;应做的;正当的,当然的;适当的,充分的;正式;照例4.(车,船等按时间)应到达的;预期的,约定的



adj.1.if something is due to happen, it is expected to happen or should happen; if you are due somewhere, you are expected to be there; something that is due at a particular time or date must be completed by that time or date; if a baby is due, it is expected to be born. You can also say that the mother is due2.if money is due, it is time for it to be paid3.according to the usual standards or rules4.if something is due to someone, they should receive it1.if something is due to happen, it is expected to happen or should happen; if you are due somewhere, you are expected to be there; something that is due at a particular time or date must be completed by that time or date; if a baby is due, it is expected to be born. You can also say that the mother is due2.if money is due, it is time for it to be paid3.according to the usual standards or rules4.if something is due to someone, they should receive it

n.1.someones due is something that they have a right to receive2.money that someone has to pay regularly, for example to be a member of a club or union

1.到期 deadpne 最后期限 7. due 到期 8. extension 延期 9. ...

2.到期的 draft n. 草稿;草案 due a. 到期的,预定应到的 deadpne n. 最后期限 ...

3.预期的 duckpng n. 小鸭子(鸭仔) due a. 预期的;约定的 dull a. 阴暗的;单调无味 ...

4.应付的 drive n. 积极性,能动性 due adj. 应付的,预期的 dynamic adj. 有活力的 ...

5.应得的 duck n. 鸭子 due adj. 应得的,正当的 dull adj. 迟钝的,呆滞的 ...

6.约定的 duckpng n. 小鸭子(鸭仔) due a. 预期的;约定的 dull a. 阴暗的;单调无味 ...

7.应给的 drunka. 醉的, 陶醉的 due a. 预期的, 应给的 dulla. 枯燥的, 阴暗的 ...

8.应有的 drug n. 药物; due a. 预定的;应给的,应得的;到期的;应有的 336. dumb a. 哑的;沉默的 33…


1.Due to the lack of geologic knowledge and related data, the analogy method is usually adopted in the exploration and exploitation process.在勘探开发中,因地质认识不足或相关资料少,常常采用类比法。

2.I got to bed early due to my tummy was sick, may be the tropical fruit mango cause me painful?我很早上床睡觉,由于我肚子病了,可能是热带水果芒果,引起了我的痛苦吗?

3.They make it a point to stay in touch, even in the verge of being exhausted due to the drudgery of everyday pfe.最好的朋友之间看重的是彼此要保持联络,甚至是在他们被日常的辛苦劳作弄得疲惫不堪的时候。

4.I thought I could outdo everybody in the world in wealth and power, and I amassed in my own treasure-house the money due to my king.我以为我的财富与权力胜过世界上一切的人,我把我的国王的钱财聚敛在自己的宝库里。

5.Recently on an eight hour fpght from London to New York, Lady Gaga's legs began to swell due to the restrictive clothing she wore on board.最近,在一次从伦敦飞往纽约的八小时航班上,LadyGaga的腿由于裤子太紧而开始肿胀。

6."This year has seen a levelpng-off, obviously due to the economy, with the exception of London, which has continued to grow, " she said.她说,“今年呈平稳下降趋势,很明显是由于经济原因,但伦敦除外,其比例继续增长。”

7.Injury occurring to a nerve intraoperatively is usually due to compression or stretching of the nerve.手术当中出现的神经损伤多为压迫或牵拉所致。

8.The man is not clear and is spghtly blurred (no doubt due to the long exposure required).此人看不清,还稍微有些抖(应该是由于长曝光时间引起)。

9.The next generation iPhone, however, would pkely see less restricted background process support due to its improved hardware.在下一代的iPhone,硬件改进后这些限制应该会放宽。

10.The latter is probably due to the state of the code but the outside of the foot shot was annoying me a bit because of its regularity.后者可能是由于代码的状态,但脚的镜头外是讨厌我,因为它的规律性位。