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adv.suddenly,all of a sudden,out of the blue,surprisingly,all at once



1.意外地 unemployment 失业 unexpectedly 未料到地,意外地 unfair 不公平的,不正当的 ...

2.没想到 unexpected. adj. 想不到的,未预料 unexpectedly adv. 出乎意料地,想不到地 freezing n. 冰点 ...

4.竟然 (5) 一定;必[ certainly] (6) 竟,竟然[ unexpectedly] (1) 夏至、冬至的简称[ solstice] ...

5.居然 16. 居奇[ hoarding and profiteering] 17. 居然[ unexpectedly] 18. 居人[ inhabitant] ...

6.未料到地 unemployment 失业 unexpectedly 未料到地,意外地 unfair 不公平的,不正当的 ...


1.the sparge of osmund appearance is I had been used comfortable least of all, unexpectedly sapid , and jar designs inconvenience.薇姿的喷雾是我用过最不舒服的,居然有味道,而且罐子设计不方便。

2.Quite unexpectedly, vertebrate physiologists and microbial biochemists had found a common ground.出乎意外,脊椎动物生理学家和微生物生化学家找到了共同阵地。

3.I knew Marguerite. Meeting me so unexpectedly must have thrown her into a state of great confusion.我了解玛格丽特,这次不期而遇一定使她惊慌失措。

4.It burst unexpectedly and out of a clear sky, and bore no relation to the intention or voption of any individual.这是出人意外的晴天霹雳,和谁的期望、志愿都毫不相干的。

5.She said that there had been a 'very strong negative attitude towards elections in general' but that turnout was unexpectedly strong.她说,民众对选举的态度总体上曾是非常消极的,但投票率之高让人意外。

6.Instead, arguably, it was the excess securitisation of US subprime mortgages that unexpectedly set off the current solvency crisis.相反,可以说,正是美国次债的过度证券化出乎意料地引爆了当前的偿付危机。

7.But, unexpectedly, it did not find that that Russia had abused its legal system to destroy the company.但是,出乎意料的是,法庭并不认为俄罗斯乱用其法律系统来摧毁这家公司。

8.from The Gables for a week my aunt unexpectedly returned one afternoon with a party of guests and instructed Bessie to prepare dinner.我姑母离开“山墙”一周后的一个下午,突然带回一批客人,并吩咐贝西,准备晚餐。

9.Unexpectedly, in both childhood and adulthood, conscientiousness turned out to be the best personapty predictor of long pfe!很意外,在儿童时期和成年时期,责任是预言长寿的最好的特性!

10.One day a few weeks later people (unexpectedly)found him sitting in a village house, facing an old man of about eighty.几星期后的一天,他没想到会坐在一所乡下小屋里,面对着一位大约八十岁的老人。