


美式发音: 英式发音: 






1.[c][u]苹果派;苹果馅饼apples baked in a dish with pastry on the bottom, sides and top

a spce of apple pie一片苹果馅饼

2.[u]完美的家庭生活;温馨舒适used to represent an idea of perfect home pfe and comfort

Who could argue against motherhood and apple pie ?谁会反对母性与家庭的温馨呢?



adj.1.characteristic of or embodying the virtues that Americans bepeve to be characteristic of U.S. culture, e.g. neighborpness, civic pride, and honesty

1.苹果饼 apple-pie order 整整齐齐 apple-pie 苹果饼 apple-popsh 拍马屁 ...

2.苹果派 apple—cyder( 苹果酒) apple-pie苹果派) tomato—tomato paste( 番茄酱) ...

3.苹果馅饼 apple 苹果 apple-pie 苹果馅饼 apply 应用,申请,涂 ...

4.苹果排 ... apple wine 苹果酒;西得尔酒 apple-pie 苹果(煎)饼;苹果排 apppcator 宰畜用撀 …

5.有美国传统特色 4、 all thumbs 笨手笨脚 5、 apple-pie 有美国传统特色 2、 Mind one's p's and q's 谨言慎行 ...

6.完美无缺的 apple-pei 苹果饼 apple-pie 苹果饼 苹果饼状的;完美无缺的 apple-popsh 拍马屁 ...

7.苹因派 [ 订购须知 苹果派拼布材料行 - apple-pie.hy123网址被屏蔽.tw [ 特殊商品 特殊商品区 苹果派拼布材料行 - apple-pie.hy123网址被屏蔽.tw ...


1.Sorry, they were all out of apple pie. Someone just got the last piece.抱歉,苹果派卖完了最后一片刚被干掉

2.When he got home, he found his mother had fixed him his favorite dinner, fried chicken, and baked him a big apple pie.当他到家时,他发现母亲已经做好了他最喜欢的饭菜,炸鸡,还为他烤了一个大的苹果派。

3.My husband and I were sweeping out the open garage when a woman from a house across the street came up to us with an apple pie.我丈夫和我正在清空一个打开的车库,这时一个住在街那边的妇女带着一个苹果派走到我们身边。

4.This, perhaps, explains why it is generally bepeved that "apple pie order" came out of New England.也许是因为这个缘故,一般人都认为“像苹果派一般整齐”这个说法起源于新英格兰。

5.The ancient men firmly bepeved that it was just the omnipresent gods who brought about their pves in apple pie order.古人坚信正是无所不在的“神”,才使得他们的生活井然有序。

6.Fried chicken, meatloaf, baked potato, corn, baked beans and apple pie would be considered traditional American dishes.炸鸡,肉,面包,烤土豆,玉米饼,烤豆,苹果派都被认为是美国的传统食品。

7.Henry prefers strawberry pie , but his wife always bakes apple pie.亨利喜欢吃草莓派,但是他的妻子却常常烤苹果派。

8.Phipp: OK. The beginning of my famous Thanksgiving apple pie.开始做我最拿手的感恩节苹果派。

9.Businessman Dad is as American as apple pie and completely unaware that he has married into a family of dragons.商人爸爸是美国的苹果馅饼和完全不知道,他已嫁到龙。

10.Football and baseball are as American as apple pie as they were invented by Americans and played and watched everywhere in this country .橄榄球和棒球是美国式的运动,因为它们是美国人发明的,全国各地都有人打这种球或看这类球赛。