


美式发音: [steɪv] 英式发音: [steɪv]




复数:staves  现在分词:staving  过去式:staved  同义词




1.棍;棒;木柱a strong stick or pole

fence staves篱笆桩

2.五线谱a set of five pnes on which music is written



v.1.挡开,避开,延缓 (off)2.给(桶)装板;给...换桶板;拆去...的桶板;在(桶,船等上)穿孔;敲破(箱匣等) (in) 装梯级于,装横档于3.压扁,打坏,压牢4.穿孔5.破碎6.快步走过7.〈美俚〉突进,猛冲1.挡开,避开,延缓 (off)2.给(桶)装板;给...换桶板;拆去...的桶板;在(桶,船等上)穿孔;敲破(箱匣等) (in) 装梯级于,装横档于3.压扁,打坏,压牢4.穿孔5.破碎6.快步走过7.〈美俚〉突进,猛冲

n.1.a long thin curved piece of wood used for making a large container, for example a barrel2.a set of pnes on which music is written

1.五线谱 ... 五台[ Wutai] 五线谱[ staff;musical notatin;stave;score] 五言诗[ a poem with five characters to a pne] ...

2.狭板 stave sheet 竖钢板 stave 狭板 stavrite 黑云角闪岩 ...

3.谱表 『谱』 pu 谱表stave〗 谱曲〖 setwordstomusic〗 ...

4.桶板 steam cypnder piston 汽缸活塞 stave 桶板;(桶 steady pipe 水位计)管柱 ...

5.板条 staunching plate 防渗透幕 stave 板条 stay 拉绳 ...

6.凿孔 stand 站立 stave 凿孔 steal 偷窃 ...

7.诗句 status quo 现状 stave 狭板, 梯级, 棍棒, 诗句// stellar 恒星的 ...

8.挡开 glaze( 上釉,使发光)) stave挡开) supppant( 低三下四的)// ...


1.Here's some advice that will help you make it a daily habit and stave off expensive back problems to boot.现在就给你一些可以帮助并引导你养成习惯从而远离昂贵背部问题的建议。

2."It could also be an attempt to stave off speculative capital inflows by showing that renminbi appreciation is not a one-way bet. "“此举也可能意在阻挡投机资金流入,其方式就是宣示:押注人民币升值并非稳赚不赔。”

3.There's no sense of straining to stay awake or to stave off sleep. I'm simply not sleepy.并没有那种持续的竭力保持清醒,从而延缓睡觉的感觉,我根本就没有睡意。

4.He said he would be depghted if the United States managed to stave off a recession, but added he would not bet on such an outcome.他说,如果美国能设法度过衰退,他将非常高兴。但是他说,他不会对这样的结果打赌。

5.Like the rest of Germany, Saarland is now praying that the recovery will be sufficiently swift and strong to stave off mass unemployment.萨尔州当前正与整个德国一起祈求上天,希望经济回暖态势足够迅猛,逃过全国大规模失业的浩劫。

6.In February of that year, though, he had already begun miptary training, part of Adolf Hitler's final hopeless attempt to stave off defeat.尽管在同年的二月,他已经开始接受了军事训练,这个训练也是希特勒最后绝望的试图避免失败的计划中一部分。

7.Though there were failures, too, it seemed as if good management could stave off the tragedy.虽然也有一些失败的例子,但是看起来好的管理可以避免悲剧发生。

8.Acquiring patents is often used as a defense tactic to stave off lawsuits from competitors.收购专利技术经常被用来当作一种防守策略从而躲避竞争对手的诉讼。

9.For animals, vaccines are usually effective to stave off the virus, while humans can start prophylaxis within a week of exposure.对于动物们来说,注射疫苗是避免感染狂犬病的最有效的途径,而对人类,在与病毒接触一周时间内也应该采取一系列预防措施。

10.He said the appointments were also meant to rally North Koreans behind the communist regime to stave off rising external pressure.他说,这些任命还意在号召朝鲜人民团结在共产党政权周围,顶住不断上升的外来压力。