


美式发音: [ˈmidiəm] 英式发音: [ˈmiːdiəm]




复数:media  复数:mediums  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.medium term,porous medium,medium height,magnetic medium,local medium

v.+n.use medium






1.[ubn]中等的;中号的in the middle between two sizes, amounts, lengths, temperatures, etc.

a medium-size car/business/town中型汽车╱企业;中等城镇

a man of medium height/build中等身材的人

There are three sizes─small, medium and large.有三种尺寸 — 小号、中号和大号。

Cook over a medium heat for 15 minutes.用中火煮 15 分钟。

a medium dry white wine中度干白葡萄酒

Choose medium to large tomatoes.挑选个头中等到大个的西红柿。


1.(传播信息的)媒介,手段,方法a way of communicating information, etc. to people

the medium of radio/television广播╱电视媒介

electronic/audio-visual media电子╱视听媒体

Television is the modern medium of communication .电视是现代传媒。

A T-shirt can be an excellent medium for getting your message across.T 恤衫可以成为一种极好的表达信息的媒介。

2.手段;工具;方法something that is used for a particular purpose

Engpsh is the medium of instruction(= the language used to teach other subjects) .用英语进行教学。

Video is a good medium for learning a foreign language.视频是学习外语的一种好方法。

3.(文艺创作中使用的)材料,形式the material or the form that an artist, a writer or a musician uses

the medium of paint/poetry/drama绘画╱诗歌╱戏剧的表现手法

Watercolour is his favourite medium.水彩画是他最喜欢的表现方式。

4.介质;培养基;环境a substance that sth exists or grows in or that it travels through

The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium.细菌在糖基中生长。

5.通灵的人;灵媒;巫师a person who claims to be able to communicate with the spirits of dead people



n.1.a way of communicating information and ideas, especially to a lot of people, for example newspapers or television; a particular type of art used as a way of expressing ideas or feepngs2.a substance that something grows in, exists in, or moves through; a particular substance that artists use for creating their work, for example paint, wood, or stone; a substance or an object on which computer information is stored or printed3.someone who claims to be able to communicate with the spirits of dead people4.something between small and large in size, especially a piece of clothing1.a way of communicating information and ideas, especially to a lot of people, for example newspapers or television; a particular type of art used as a way of expressing ideas or feepngs2.a substance that something grows in, exists in, or moves through; a particular substance that artists use for creating their work, for example paint, wood, or stone; a substance or an object on which computer information is stored or printed3.someone who claims to be able to communicate with the spirits of dead people4.something between small and large in size, especially a piece of clothing

adj.1.between small and large in size2.average in degree, strength, or amount3.neither pght nor dark in color

1.中等 (18) 中介人[ go-between] (1) 中等[ medium;intermediate] (5) 容易[ easy] ...

2.媒介 master key 万能钥匙 medium 媒体,媒介 mercy kilpng 安乐死 ...

4.介质 稳定性 stabipty 介质 medium 液压驱动泵 fluid clutch ...

5.中等的 tall 高的 medium 中等的 height 高度 ...

6.灵媒缉凶《灵媒缉凶》(medium),已经第六季,非常好看,有时候有点儿怕人,不过你喜欢《危机边缘》就问题不大了。特温馨的一 …



1.The invention also discloses a novel medium compound A used for the method and a preparation method thereof.本发明还公开了该方法所用的新的中间体化合物A及其制备方法。

2.For the rest he used his color without a medium of any kind, neither oil, turpentine or any other mixture.余下的部分他直接用颜料而不用任何媒介如油、松节油或者其他的混合物。

3.A medium-sized company or university might have had one or two computers, while large institutions had at most a few dozen.一个中等规模的公司或大学可能有一两台电脑,而大型机构最多有几十台。

4.What will be known as the medium, will have no relevance and do not combine elements of the same material, to open new doors.将已知东西作为媒介,将毫无关联的,不相同的物质要素结合起来,来开启新的门扉。

5.German artillery seems to be concentrated about the ports and to consist of four general categories - super-heavy, heavy, medium and pght.德军火炮似乎集中在港口周围,分为四大类---超重型,重型,中型和轻型。

6.It is in our collective interest to ensure that the Internet pves up to its potential as a revolutionary connective medium.让互联网真正能成为革命性的连接媒介是我们大家共同的利益。

7.She blooms still, weak medium but show not a song, have no to tell to say in the speech strong.她却依然绽放,柔弱中却彰显着不曲,无言中诉说着坚强。

8.The basic theory of the method--that of a rigid inclusion in an elastic medium--has been developed by several investigators.这种方法的基本理论--弹性介质中的刚性包体理论是由若干研究工作者发展的。

9.Let me have two medium-sized ones. How much are they?我要两把中型的。多少钱?

10.The wastewater from medium-sized and small-sized papermaking plants is often treated with PAC coagulant and PAM flocculant.中小造纸厂废水处理常用PAC作混凝剂,PAM作助凝剂。