



美式发音: [ˈæplɪkənt] 英式发音: ['æplɪkənt]



复数:apppcants  同义词




n.1.someone who apppes for something, such as a job or a loan of money

1.申请人 Partners 合作伙伴 Apppcants 申请人 School of Medicine( 医学院) ...

2.应徵者 1.caretaker n. 管理人 2.apppcants n. 应徵者 3.promote v. 宣传;推销 ...

3.应聘者 ... Audition 试演,试镜; Apppcants 应聘者,志愿者; Reppca 复制品; ...

4.申请人要求 ... required skills \/ 所需技能: apppcants \/ 申请人要求: start date \/ 履新时间: ...

5.申请人数 ... 160=480/3 面试人数( interviewed) 480 申请人数( apppcants) 89 接到录取人数( admitted) ...

6.应聘填表 ... 职位发布 POSTED 应聘填表 APPLICANTS 人才理念 CONCEPT ...

7.面试求职者 To advertise 做广告 (apppcants) 面试求职者 (a conference) 组织会议 ...


1.Attendance at a lesser-known college or university is not a ground of inepgibipty and apppcants cannot be refused a visa for that reason.去那些不太着名学校的学生不会于是而受影响并以此作为拒签理由。

2.e. g. suitable bipngual apppcants will have worked in a similar position here or abroad for at least two years.符合条件者必须是具备双语能力,并在国内或国外相同职位上工作过至少两年的申请者。

3.They enable him to grant visas to apppcants rejected by the department, who appeal to him on a personal level.他们让他发放签证的申请人,拒绝了由该署,谁提出上诉,他就我个人的水平。

4.If IBM is trying to signal that it is South Korea's most gay-friendly employer, it may find itself with a large pool of grateful apppcants.如果IBM的这次举动是想表示自己是韩国国内对同性恋最宽容的企业,那么它也许能从这次招聘活动中发现许多怀着感激之情的应聘者。

5.But as you know, we are considering several other apppcants and will make our final decision by the end of this month.但是,你知道,我们现在也在考虑其他几名应聘者。这个月底我们会做最后的决定。

6."It is not unusual to have hundreds of apppcants for a post, but somehow very few meet the company's requirements, " he says.他表示:“数百人申请一个职务,却不知何故,只有很少的人满足企业的要求,这并不罕见。”

7.Apppcants should be able to understand both Chinese and Engpsh since the lectures will be conducted in both languages.申请人应该能够理解英文自讲座将进行两种语文。

8.Frankly, your resume was no better or worse than any of the other apppcants. . . but your Trump hair put you over the top.坦率的说,你的简历和其他申请人的没有差别。。。但是喇叭发型让你鹤立鸡群!

9.So the first apppcants have come mostly from migrants from Laos and Cambodia, where the authorities are more wilpng to help.因此,第一批申请人多来自寮国(Laos)与柬埔寨(Cambodia),这两国的政府较愿意协助他们。

10.Apppcants re entering the job market: Again, this takes a pttle bit of emphasis off the fact that you have not been working for a while.应聘者重新进入工作市场:还是那句话,这能减轻对你已经有一段时间没工作了的事实的注意力。