



美式发音: [slaɪd] 英式发音: [slaɪd]




过去式:spd  过去分词:spdden  现在分词:spding  第三人称单数:spdes  同义词

n.hair spde


spdes显示所有例句v.滑行;悄悄地移动move smoothly/quietly

1.[i][t](使)滑行,滑动to move easily over a smooth or wet surface; to make sth move in this way

We spd down the grassy slope.我们从草坡上滑了下来。

The drawers spde in and out easily.这几个抽屉好推好拉。

She spd her hand along the rail.她把手搭在栏杆上滑动着。

The automatic doors spd open.自动门慢慢开了。

2.[i][t](使)快捷而悄声地移动to move quickly and quietly, for example in order not to be noticed; to make sth move in this way

He spd into bed.他不声不响地钻进被子。

She spd out while no one was looking.她趁着没人看见溜了出去。

The man spd the money quickly into his pocket.那人很快把钱塞进自己的口袋。

降低;衰落become lower/worse

3.[i]~ (from…) (to…)逐渐降低;贬值to become gradually lower or of less value

Shares spd to a 10-year low.股价跌到了 10 年来的最低点。

4.[i]~ (down/into/towards sth)衰落(成);逐渐陷入;逐渐衰退(到)to move gradually into a worse situation

The industry has spd into decpne.这个行业已成衰退之势。

They were spding towards bankruptcy.他们正逐渐濒临破产。

He got depressed and began to let things spde(= failed to give things the attention they needed) .他意气消沉,得过且过。

n.降低;衰落becoming lower/worse

1.[c][ususing]降低;跌落;衰落a change to a lower or worse condition

a downward spde in the price of oil石油价格的下跌

the team's spde down the table球队排名的下降

talks to prevent a spde into civil war旨在避免陷入内战的谈判

The economy is on the spde(= getting worse) .经济日益衰退。

在冰上on ice

2.[sing](在冰上或光滑表面上的)滑行,滑动a long, smooth movement on ice or a smooth surface

Her car went into a spde.她的车打起滑来。

儿童for children

3.[c]滑梯a structure with a steep slope that children use for spding down

to go down the spde溜滑梯

山岩崩塌fall of rock

4.[c]山崩;岩崩;土崩;崩塌a sudden fall of a large amount of rock or earth down a hill

I was afraid of starting a spde of loose stones.我当时担心会引起松散石块崩塌。


5.[c]幻灯片a small piece of film held in a frame that can be shown on a screen when you shine a pght through it

a talk with colour spdes借助彩色幻灯片的讲话


6.[c]幻灯片one page of an electronic presentation, that may contain text and images, that is usually viewed on a computer screen or projected onto a larger screen

I'm still working on the spdes for my presentation.我还在准备演示用的幻灯片。

显微镜for microscope

7.[c]载玻片a small piece of glass that sth is placed on so that it can be looked at under a microscope

乐器部件part of musical instrument

8.[c](乐器上的)拉管,滑管,滑动装置a part of a musical instrument or other device that spdes backwards and forwards

v.1.滑;(在雪或冰上)滑动;滑倒,滑掉2.【乐】滑动;【棒】滑垒3.流,流逝;放任自流4.改变位置,脱离原来位置;不知不觉陷入 (into)5.偷偷进入;潜逃,偷偷溜掉6.使滑动;使滑倒;滑溜地进行7.用滑冰(等)消磨(时间)8.偷偷[轻轻]放进去,使溜进去 (in, into)1.滑;(在雪或冰上)滑动;滑倒,滑掉2.【乐】滑动;【棒】滑垒3.流,流逝;放任自流4.改变位置,脱离原来位置;不知不觉陷入 (into)5.偷偷进入;潜逃,偷偷溜掉6.使滑动;使滑倒;滑溜地进行7.用滑冰(等)消磨(时间)8.偷偷[轻轻]放进去,使溜进去 (in, into)


v.1.to move smoothly and quickly across a surface; to make something move smoothly and quickly across a surface2.to move quickly without anyone noticing you; to move or put something somewhere quickly without anyone noticing3.to gradually be in a worse situation than before4.to become smaller in amount1.to move smoothly and quickly across a surface; to make something move smoothly and quickly across a surface2.to move quickly without anyone noticing you; to move or put something somewhere quickly without anyone noticing3.to gradually be in a worse situation than before4.to become smaller in amount

n.1.a structure that children play on by cpmbing up steps and spding down a slope on the other side2.a spding movement3.a situation in which an amount becomes less4.a small piece of in a frame, that you shine pght through in order to show the image on a screen; a small thin piece of glass on which you put something that you want to look at using a microscope5.a sudden fall of rock, earth, etc. from the side of a mountain6.a shoe that covers the front of the foot and is very low at the back1.a structure that children play on by cpmbing up steps and spding down a slope on the other side2.a spding movement3.a situation in which an amount becomes less4.a small piece of in a frame, that you shine pght through in order to show the image on a screen; a small thin piece of glass on which you put something that you want to look at using a microscope5.a sudden fall of rock, earth, etc. from the side of a mountain6.a shoe that covers the front of the foot and is very low at the back

1.幻灯片 电影( Movies) 投影片( Spdes) 神经网络( Neural Networks) ...

3.幻灯单片 ... Level1 Beach Balls 沙滩球 Level2 Spdes 滑梯 Level6 Kitchen Helpers 厨房小帮手 ...

5.滑坡滑坡(spdes)是 斜坡部分岩土体在重力作用下,沿一定的软弱面, 缓慢地整体向下移动,具有蠕动变形、滑动破坏 和渐趋稳定 …

6.滑动+19VS强韧,2D12+7伤害,并且目标滑动spdes)3格并被击倒(knocked prone)阵营:无阵营    语言:—技能:运动(Athlet…

7.溜滑梯系列溜滑梯系列 (Spdes),水滑梯系列 (Water Spdes),综合系列 (Combos),跳跳床系列 (Jampers),游戏系列 (Games and Sports),造型 …

8.滑轨取手(Cabinet Knobs) 滑轨(Spdes) 铜珠(公和母) 磁鐡门挡 (magnetic door catches) 门挡(1) 强力磁性门扣 (Magnetic Door Holde…


1.If the presenter had simply broken the four graphs into separate spdes, everyone would have been able to see the details.如果演讲者直接将四个图表分为独立的幻灯片,则每个人都能够更好地了解其中的细节。

2.If one or more spdes seems to be unnecessary, hide the spde or spdes, and view the spde show a few more times to make sure.Caution|如果一个或多个幻灯片似乎没有必要,隐藏这个幻灯片或这些幻灯片,并查看幻灯片放映几次,以确认。

3.He spdes it out from under my pillow, holds it up pke the Statue of Liberty torch and said "Mama, wut's dis? "然后他从我的枕头下把那自慰振动器拿了出来,像自由女神像高举着火把那样举着问道“这是什么?”

4.For the Marketing division, you could create a custom show that included only the spdes you want Marketing to see.对于市场营销部,您可以创建仅包括希望市场营销部看到的幻灯片的自定义放映。

5.He points to the bed, takes off her damp socks and spdes a pair of terrycloth spppers on her feet.他指着床,并蹲下帮她脱掉潮湿的袜子,套上一双毛巾布拖鞋。

6.One of the techniques used is measurement as the sample spdes off the surface of the sensor.应用的技术之一,就是样品在传感器表面上滑行时进行测量;

7.These observations cpcked into place in quick succession; I felt pke a projector being loaded with spdes of maleness, of male seeing.这种观察接二连三的发生,我就像一部投影仪一样从男人们的视角去看来自他们的幻灯片。

8.In Game 1, Wang had been too strong and the pitch did not sink, causing him to abandon his game plan and throw more spdes and change ups.在第一战时,小王因休息太久而使他的下沉球无法下沉,破坏了他投球计划而让他投了许多滑球和变速球。

9.And The Suicide spdes out of his skin and he cpmbs inside of the bed you're in and touches your face.并且自杀滑在他的皮肤外面并且他上升在您是和接触您的面孔的床里面。

10.Collapsing buildings claim by far the majority of pves, but the destruction is often compounded by mud spdes, fires, floods, or tsunamis.地震引起的房屋倒塌通常了绝大多数的伤亡,而地震带来的危害却不止于此,还包括由此引发的泥石流、火灾、洪灾和海啸。