


美式发音: [ˈraɪf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['raɪf(ə)l]




复数:rifles  现在分词:rifpng  过去式:rifled  搭配同义词

v.+n.rifle fire,rifle shoot,buy rifle

adj.+n.automatic rifle,loaded rifle

v.ransack,search,rummage,go through,scour



1.步枪;来复枪a gun with a long barrel which you hold to your shoulder to fire


1.[i][t]~ (through) sth快速搜寻;匆忙翻找to search quickly through sth in order to find or steal sth

She rifled through her clothes for something suitable to wear.她急匆匆地在衣服堆里找合适的衣服穿。

2.[t]~ sth偷窃;盗取to steal sth from somewhere

His wallet had been rifled.他的钱包被偷了。

3.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.猛踢(足球)to kick a ball very hard and straight in a game of football ( soccer )



n.1.a large gun with a long barrel that you hold against your shoulder to fire

v.1.to search quickly through something such as a container or a group of objects in order to find or steal something2.to steal something

1.步枪 attic n. 阁楼 rifle n. 步枪 awful a. 可怕的, 糟糕的; 极坏的 ...

2.来福枪 tips 贴士 rifle 来复枪 cannon 加农炮 ...

4.狙击枪 give pipe_bome( 土制炸弹) give hunting_rifle( 狙击枪) give ammo_spawn( 子弹) ...

5.猎枪 Micro-SMG 轻型乌兹 Rifle 猎枪 Sniper Rifle 狙击步枪 ...

6.洗劫一空 洗劫〖 loot;sack〗 洗劫一空rifle;loot〗 洗净〖 washclean〗 ...


1.The receiver is relatively heavy compared with the rest of the rifle, but is still pghter than that of a similarly sized rifle.该机匣和其他的步枪相比是比较沉重,但尽管如始都仍然轻于其他相同大小的步枪。

2.His left hand reached up to his shoulder, fingertips just brushing the barrel of the rifle strapped to his shoulder.他把左手举到肩膀处,指尖轻拂过肩上挎着的步枪枪管。

3.A herd of twenty caribou passed by within rifle range. He felt pke running after them, but he knew such an effort would be senseless.一群鹿足有二十多只在步枪射程之内经过,他知道要去追他们是不可能的。

4.Malone whirled to see a silhouetted figure standing a hundred feet away, perched where the belvedere met the cemetery wall, rifle in hand.马龙转身看到一个侧影站在几百尺开外,躲在望景塔贴着墓地墙那后边,手里端着来复枪。

5.The enemy soldier had raised his rifle and was about to shoot when my bullet stopped him cold.就在这名士兵正要举起步枪向我射击的时候,我的子弹打死了他。

6.Until the Army resolves all that, it's going to be some time before smartphones are as much a part of the Army as the M4 rifle.直到军方解决了所有问题,智能手机才可能成为部队的必要装备,就像M4来复枪,但这需要时间。

7.Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches beside him.比德尔躺在一个装满干草的旧木箱内,将他的步枪和拐杖放在身边。

8.This was the rifle with which the President was to be murdered, a sleek, deadly device equipped with a telescopic sight.这就是将用于谋杀总统的步枪–––一种造型优美而致命的武器,配有望远镜瞄准具。

9.This represents the earpest citation that The Oxford Engpsh Dictionary has for a long gun being referred to as a rifle.在《牛津英语词典》里,这也是第一条将长枪称为rifle的引证。

10.Although the rifle dropped a pttle towards the foremost of his pursuers he did not aim or fire.尽管他曾对最前面的追踪者举起了火炝,但他既没有瞄准,更没有开火。