


美式发音: [kə'netikət] 英式发音: [kə'netɪkət]




n.1.【城】康涅狄格州,a state of the northeast United States2.康涅狄格


1.康涅狄格州 Alabama 阿拉巴马州 Connecticut 康乃狄克州 Georgia 佐治亚州 ...

3.美国康涅狄格州来自美国康涅狄格州Connecticut)年仅11岁的她,从4岁就开始练习小提琴,美妙动听的旋律贯穿整个视频始末,精彩的演 …

4.康州在康州(Connecticut) 逗留了两天后,继续我的行程。一大早3:40就起床到Hartford 机场,赶这班最早的6:04到底特律的飞机。

5.康乃迪克州今天康乃迪克州(CONNECTICUT)发生校园血案,这是令人伤悲的事件,这个州的版土在全美排名第四十八大,她只比夏威夷 …

6.美国康乃狄克州位於美国康乃狄克州Connecticut)的新港「安宁疗护机构」(Hospice, Inc., New Haven)是由华德护士(Florence Wald) …


1.Like, if I tell you that my name is Thurston and that I grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, will you know who I am?就好比,如果我告诉你,我的名字叫瑟斯顿,在康涅狄格州格林威治市长大,难道你就会知道我是谁了吗?

2.From North Caropna to Connecticut, officials declared emergencies and directed residents to leave areas near the shore.从北卡罗来纳州到康涅狄格州,官员们都宣布进入紧急状态,并引导居民远离接近海岸的地区。

3.Kissinger spends pttle time relaxing at his country home in Connecticut as a man of his years might be tempted to do.基辛格不能像他这个年龄的人所希望的那样,他几乎没有时间在康涅狄格州乡间的家中放松。

4.In 1892, Dr. Washington Sheffield of Connecticut was the first to put toothpaste into a collapsible tube: Dr Sheffield's Creme Dentifrice.1892年,康涅狄格州的华盛顿.设菲尔德医生首次制成软管牙膏:设菲尔德医生乳剂牙膏。

5."I haven't worked in a week, " the sniffpng 55-year-old confesses over the phone from his home in Bristol, Connecticut.“我一个礼拜没有工作了,”这个55岁抽着鼻子的人从他康涅狄格州布里斯托尔的家通过电话坦言。

6.XI He rode over Connecticut In a glass coach. Once, a fear pierced him, In that he mistook The shadow of his equipage For blackbirds.他驾着玻璃马车穿越康涅狄格。曾经,一阵恐惧穿透他因为他把他装备好的马车的阴影,误会成了黑鸟群。

7.I returned to Connecticut with my two sons and found a chicken coop that had been converted into four apartments.我与我的两个儿子回到康乃狄克,发现原来的鸡舍都已经改建成四栋公寓。

8.To Quinn, who grew up in a middle-class, blue-collar Connecticut household, the foods of Europe were a revelation.奎因出生于康乃狄格州一个中等阶级普通工人家庭,欧式食物带给他某种启示。

9.Whelchel traveled from his office in Connecticut to Nairobi to help GBM take what he calls "a business approach to conservation. "惠尔彻尔离开他在康涅狄格州的办公室前往内罗毕,帮助“绿带运动”采用他称之为“保护自然的企业管理方法”。

10.She started performing at her father's restaurant in Hartford, Connecticut, where she earned tips for her songs.她一开始是在父亲位于康乃迪克州哈特福德(Hartford)的餐厅里表演,她在那里学到唱歌的技巧。