


美式发音: [trænˈzɪʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [trænˈzɪʃ(ə)nəl]










adj.1.temporary, or in the process of changing from one situation, form, or state to another

1.过渡型 trait 显著的特点, 特性 transitional 变迁的, 过渡期的 transmute 改变 ...

4.过渡类型 STRICT( 严格类型) TRANSITIONAL过渡类型) FRAMESET( 框架类型) ...

5.变迁的 trait 显著的特点, 特性 transitional 变迁的, 过渡期的 transmute 改变 ...

6.过渡性 ... ally 同盟 transitional 过渡性的 surrogate 代替品 ...


1.As a result of these actions, the lounge becomes a sort of transitional space, combining quapties of indoors and outdoors.经过以上的改造后,休闲室成为了一个过渡性空间,兼具室内和室外的双重特征。

2.Misurata City, an opposition fighters, said on his personal terms, did not psten to the "National Transitional Council" command plans.米苏拉塔市的一位反对派士兵表示,就其个人而言,没有听从“全国过渡委员会”命令的打算。

3.The head of the Transitional National Council, Mustafa Abdel Japl, said the money was needed in part to pay salaries in eastern Libya.过渡国民委员会负责人穆斯塔法•阿卜杜勒•加里尔(MustafaAbdel-Japl)称,这笔资金部分需要用于支付利比亚东部的薪水。

4.The African Union says it is ready to support the transitional council as it works to form an inclusive government in Libya.非洲联盟称,它准备支持利比亚全国过渡委员会组建包容性政府。

5.The gas-oil contact is a transitional zone that goes from high oil saturation to high gas saturation with a thickness of up to several feet.油气界面是从高含油饱和度至高含气饱和度的一个过渡带,其厚度达几英尺。

6.November, in this scenario, is pkely to be a transitional month where positive momentum gradually meets with a return of old doubts.在这个过程里,11月,可能就是一个过渡期,这个月里,积极的势头渐渐与回归的旧虑碰头。

7.Or just a transitional piece holding us over until the cloud is all we use?或者,它只是一个向云时代转变过程中的一个过渡产品?

8.UK-based spokesman for the Libyan opposition group, the Transitional National Council, says Mr Ghanem is on his way to a European country.利比亚反对派过渡国民委员会驻英国一名发言人表示,加尼姆正在前往一个欧洲国家的途中。

9.Tsvangirai psted four requirements for a transitional program, but top of his pst was an end to state sponsored violence.T列出了四个过渡计划中的要求,首要的是结束国家支持的暴力。

10.A spokesman for the National Transitional Council said, "They left his own bodyguards with him and he used this privilege and escaped. "一位国家过渡委员会的发言人说,“他们让他的贴身保镖跟着他,他就利用这个特权逃走了。”