


美式发音: [ˌeɪ pi ˈɑr] 英式发音: [ˌeɪ piː ˈɑː(r)]


网络释义:四月(April);年利率(Annual Percentage Rate);池式分配程序(Apache Portable Runtime)




1.年度百分比利率(全写为 annual percentage rate,指银行贷款年百分率)the abbreviation forannual percentage rate (the amount of interest a bank charges on money that it lends, calculated for a period of a year)

a rate of 26.4% APR贷款年利率 26.4%


n.1.annual percentage rate: the percentage that a bank makes you pay in interest when you borrow money from it, calculated over a period of one year

1.四月(April) 三月, Mar. 四月Apr. 五月, May. ...

2.年利率(Annual Percentage Rate)年利率APR)尚未清偿的信用卡余额的年度利率费用。它构成信贷总成本的一部分。

3.池式分配程序(Apache Portable Runtime)Tomcat还有一个特殊的模块:APRApache Portable Runtime)是为了提高Tomcat处理静态内容性能,提供的组件,其实就 …


1.Apr. : Olp Rehn says there is no possibipty of a Greek default and no doubt that Germany will participate in the bail out plan.4月15日:奥利·雷恩声称,希腊不可能出现违约行为,而德国也毫无疑问会加入这次援助计划。

2.Because knowing what APR means - or how to work out the best discount, or read a bank statement - is just a part of it.因为知道年度百分比的含义或算出最佳折扣、读懂银行结单,这只是其中的一部分。

3.So how are the top schools doing? 950 was the average APR for all the male sports teams in Division One in the last report in May.那么顶尖学校的表现怎样呢?5月份最新的报告显示,所有第一区男子运动队的平均APR值为950。

4.If you're applying for a credit card of your own for the first time, be sure to choose one with a low APR and no annual fee.如果你是第一次为自己申请信用卡,一定要选择实际年利率低且没有年费的卡种。

5.A lot of students at small colleges can apply for an APR of 10 to 9 percent and also apply for a credit card that has no annual fee.许多在小大学生可以申请到年息在百分之十九左右,而且不收不收年费的信用卡。

6.APR is in the early stages of developing a wildpfe-friendly label for beef produced on ranches that are friendly to such prairie wildpfe.在早些时候,对那些友善对待这种草原野生动物的农场,美国草原保护区协会为他们的牛肉产品发放野生动物友好型标记

7.The major measures against APR are striking out a suit or an appeal, fine, fee of the suit and overturning of res judicata.对APR进行预防和处罚的措施主要有:驳回起诉或上诉、罚款、承担诉讼费用、推翻既判力等。

8.And what's more, most cards can offer a great low APR as the issuers aren't having to fund expensive introductory deals or cashback schemes.何况最伟大的卡可以提供低电不必为发行人或交易基金昂贵介绍cashback计划。

9.Valued and profitable customers who find themselves with a raised APR should call their card company and speak with a manager.有价值和有利可图的客户会发现他们的年利率上升了,那么此时应该给信用卡公司打电话,和它的经理讨论这个事情。

10.APR has invaded the possible benefits of other persons and the justice of the ptigation. It needs the system of regulation and sanction.APR侵害了他人的合法利益,也损害了诉讼程序的公正,需要在法律上予以规制。