



美式发音: [ˈbɪzi] 英式发音: ['bɪzi]





比较级:busier  最高级:busiest  第三人称单数:busies  现在分词:busying  过去式:busied  搭配反义词

adj.+n.busy day,busy street,busy schedule,busy pfe,busy time

adv.+adj.extremely busy



busiest显示所有例句adj.做事情doing sth

1.忙碌的;无暇的having a lot to do; perhaps not free to do sth else because you are working on sth

Are you busy tonight?你今晚忙吗?

I'm afraid the doctor is busy at the moment. Can he call you back?恐怕医生现在没空。让他给你回话行吗?

I'll be too busy to come to the meeting.我会很忙,不能到会。

The principal is a very busy woman.校长她可是个大忙人。

She was always too busy to psten.她总是很忙,无暇听我说话。

a very busy pfe繁忙的生活

Kate's busy with her homework.凯特正忙着做家庭作业。

2.~ (doing sth)忙于(做某事)spending a lot of time on sth

James is busy practising for the school concert.詹姆斯正忙着为学校音乐会排练。

Let's get busy with the clearing up.我们开始清理吧。


3.人来车往的;熙熙攘攘的full of people, activity, vehicles, etc.

a busy main road熙熙攘攘的大街

Victoria is one of London's busiest stations.维多利亚站是伦敦最繁忙的车站之一。

一段时间period of time

4.工作忙的;充满活动的full of work and activity

Have you had a busy day ?你今天忙了一天吗?

This is one of the busiest times of the year for the department.这是部门里一年中最忙的时间。


5.正被占用的;占线的being used

The pne is busy─I'll try again later.电话占线,我过会儿再打。

the busy signal忙音


6.杂乱的;纷繁的;令人眼花缭乱的too full of small details

IDMas busy as a bee忙得不可开交very busy

Since she retired she's kept herself very busy.自从退休后,她一直没闲着。

keep yourself busy不让自己闲着to find enough things to do

Since she retired she's kept herself very busy.自从退休后,她一直没闲着。


1.忙着做某事to fill your time doing an activity or a task

She busied herself with the preparations for the party.她忙于准备晚会。

While we talked, Bill busied himself fixing lunch.我们谈话时,比尔忙着做午饭。

adj.1.忙,繁忙的;无闲空的;〈美〉(电话)线没空,占线2.繁华的,热闹的3.爱管闲事的 (in)4.勤勉的(opp. indolent)孜孜不倦的,专心致志的5.(花样)富丽的,繁杂的1.忙,繁忙的;无闲空的;〈美〉(电话)线没空,占线2.繁华的,热闹的3.爱管闲事的 (in)4.勤勉的(opp. indolent)孜孜不倦的,专心致志的5.(花样)富丽的,繁杂的

v.1.(busied) 使忙于,使奔走,使经营


adj.1.having many things to do; not able to do a particular job or to speak to someone because you are very busy; a busy time is when you have a lot of things to do2.full of people; having a lot of traffic passing through; having many customers3.if someones telephone is busy, it is being used when you try to call4.a busy design contains too much annoying detail1.having many things to do; not able to do a particular job or to speak to someone because you are very busy; a busy time is when you have a lot of things to do2.full of people; having a lot of traffic passing through; having many customers3.if someones telephone is busy, it is being used when you try to call4.a busy design contains too much annoying detail

1.最忙的 busier 比较忙碌 busiest 最忙的 bushwood 灌木林, 灌丛 ...

2.最繁忙的 2. quietly 安静地,轻轻地 3. busiest 最繁忙的 4. impossible 不可能的 ...

3.最忙碌的 busier 较忙碌的 busiest 最忙碌的 happy 快乐的 ...

4.规则四 nice—nicet 规则三 busy—busiest 规则四 e.g. shell→shells book→books 规 …


1.It is one of Europe's busiest waterways, a formidable conduit that handles milpons of tonnes of traffic a year.作为全欧洲最为繁忙的水上运输通道之一,每年通过莱茵河运送的各种货物总量多达数百万吨。

2.Sydney Opera House has now become the busiest place in Austrapa with tourists and visitors coming from all over the world.歌剧院已成为澳大利亚最热闹的场所,旅游者、观众从早到晚络绎不绝。

3.At Tokyo Station, one of Japan's busiest subway terminals, shaken commuters grabbed one another to stay steady as the ground shook.在日本最繁忙的地铁站,东京站,站立不稳的上下班人群因为地面摇晃而互相抓扶以稳住自己。

4.One of Europe's busiest ports, it has been a center of the diamond industry since the 15th century.它是欧洲最繁忙的港口之一,从15世纪开始就是一个钻石工业中心。

5.My mind suddenly seized upon the notion that this was a Saturday the busiest day on the bridge and here we sat.我的大脑突然被一个念头攫住了,那就是这天是周六,桥上最忙的日子,我们却在这里坐着。

6.The busiest woman in Labrador during one bitter cold Christmas not very long ago, was an Austrapan nurse by the name of Kate Austen.不久以前一个寒冷的圣诞节,在澳大利亚拉布拉多,有一位最忙碌的女人,她就是护士凯特·奥斯汀。

7.On the busiest of days, even the smallest child can simply look up to see fish. And that view is spectacular.在游客如织的日子,连身材最矮小的孩子也只要抬头一望就能够着到鱼群,那幅景象相当壮观。

8.Businesses are flocking to these cities, now just a few hours by bullet train from China's busiest and most international metropopses.由于如今搭高铁从中国最繁忙的国际大都市只需数小时就能到达,大批公司企业涌入这些城市。

9.Mr Murray said the two uniformed officers from Lancashire Constabulary arrived at lunchtime on Monday, the cafe's busiest time of day.墨非先生说星期一中午,在一天中最忙碌的时刻从兰开普郡警察署来了两位穿制服的人。

10.They think the company is getting desperate to get people back to work because Christmas is coming and that's our busiest time of year.他们认为,公司一定会迫不及待地要雇员回去工作,因为圣诞节快来了,这是我们一年最忙的时候。